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May '23
- You think that hitboxes bypass because you haven't been banned yet
Blud is in denial, I actually came to this because I've seen a large number of people spreading misinformation that hitboxes are bannable, so I'm here to tell you that max 0.1 hitbox bypasses on Hypixel, which is close to the most minimal setting because you're right they don't bypass when you turn them halfway up like a dummy. I'm sure that goes for any server. Do you even know how hitboxes are coded? I guarantee you don't and honestly I trust my research & findings over a group of people with 0 hacked client/config experience.

Hitboxes bypass, but it's one of the more sensitive in terms of AC detection. Combine that with a number of other modules that could potentially make your gameplay look unnatural and you probably wont bypass a Staff inspection. Just keep it a low value (max 0.10) & it does in fact bypass on Hypixel.


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Blud is in denial, I actually came to this because I've seen a large number of people spreading misinformation that hitboxes are bannable, so I'm here to tell you that max 0.1 hitbox bypasses on Hypixel, which is close to the most minimal setting because you're right they don't bypass when you turn them halfway up like a dummy. I'm sure that goes for any server. Do you even know how hitboxes are coded? I guarantee you don't and honestly I trust my research & findings over a group of people with 0 hacked client/config experience.

Hitboxes bypass, but it's one of the more sensitive in terms of AC detection. Combine that with a number of other modules that could potentially make your gameplay look unnatural and you probably wont bypass a Staff inspection. Just keep it a low value (max 0.10) & it does in fact bypass on Hypixel.
guess what. i tested hitboxes last week on separate alts with .1, .2 and .3 and guess what, they all ban


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May '23
Why does everyone on this forum subscribe to blatant ignorance

guess what. i tested hitboxes last week on separate alts with .1, .2 and .3 and guess what, they all ban
Why are you using above 0.1 to begin with ofc that would detect
Fucking retard it flags "blud" You need to accept it i will make a post and show everyone

I've used these EXACT settings for 2 years with no issues and have attained 100-500 winstreaks multiple times so literally shut the fuck up U have no idea what you are talking about @Noobybedx269
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May '23
You're using max aim assist so it's not like the hitboxes are really even doing anything no wonder it's not flagging.
Ok then use aimassist then if it works, if anything that gets me the max reach out of my hits.

EDIT: I just read your comment and realized that you don't understand hitboxes are 360 degrees around the player, meaning I'm still getting that extra 0.1 extension while having my aim on target. So yes, they are doing something, just enough to put me at an advantage vs most players & still not be banned.
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VapeV4 VapeLite


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Ok then use aimassist then if it works, if anything that gets me the max reach out of my hits.

EDIT: I just read your comment and realized that you don't understand hitboxes are 360 degrees around the player, meaning I'm still getting that extra 0.1 extension while having my aim on target. So yes, they are doing something, just enough to put me at an advantage vs most players & still not be banned.
Hitboxes are made to expand the hitboxes of players. So it means if you're trying to hit outside of the hitbox, it will hit players.

However, looking at the player's hitboxes will behave as a reach, not as hitboxes. And Hypixel blocks hits above 4.25 blocks, so if you're not banned it's normal, since it's not meant to be auto-banned.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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Hitboxes are made to expand the hitboxes of players. So it means if you're trying to hit outside of the hitbox, it will hit players.

However, looking at the player's hitboxes will behave as a reach, not as hitboxes. And Hypixel blocks hits above 4.25 blocks, so if you're not banned it's normal, since it's not meant to be auto-banned.
And it would take a lot of violations to get you banned for using hitboxes, which is probably why people think hitboxes bypass fine since it takes ages to actually get banned for them (assuming they haven't removed hitbox checks for whatever reason).