
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
Suggestion for V4, it'll aim to the nearest point on your target so you'll be able to get better reach on them.
You should also make the multipoint accuracy adjustable from 1 to 5, 5 being extremely accurate while 1 being inaccurate or random.


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im going to add some notes onto this for the developers that choose to code this into vape.
1. on perfect 45/135/225/315 YAW no adjustment is needed because the corners of the hitbox are pointed to eachother already and no correction is needed on the point to point calculator.
2. additionally, angles 0/90/180/270 need no correction because aiming towards the middle of the hitbox would be the best case scenario for these angles. the angles that need the most correction that pogama is talking about are angles between these non cardinal points that the aim assist would normally aim towards the middle of the hitbox, but require a longer ray of light because the middle of the hitbox is not alligned with the closest corner. math geniuses correct me if i made a mistake here but the yaws we are looking to correct would be on the magnitude of 22.5/67.5/112.5/157.5, and the rest of the angles +-22.5 up to the full yaw rotation.
3. you should be able to import the bounding box directly and calculate the correction differential.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
im going to add some notes onto this for the developers that choose to code this into vape.
1. on perfect 45/135/225/315 YAW no adjustment is needed because the corners of the hitbox are pointed to eachother already and no correction is needed on the point to point calculator.
2. additionally, angles 0/90/180/270 need no correction because aiming towards the middle of the hitbox would be the best case scenario for these angles. the angles that need the most correction that pogama is talking about are angles between these non cardinal points that the aim assist would normally aim towards the middle of the hitbox, but require a longer ray of light because the middle of the hitbox is not alligned with the closest corner. math geniuses correct me if i made a mistake here but the yaws we are looking to correct would be on the magnitude of 22.5/67.5/112.5/157.5, and the rest of the angles +-22.5 up to the full yaw rotation.
3. you should be able to import the bounding box directly and calculate the correction differential.
That seems like a suggestion more for Augustus ngl
The thing is, vape is made to be a very simple client for new cheaters so that option will confuse the shit out of them


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That seems like a suggestion more for Augustus ngl
The thing is, vape is made to be a very simple client for new cheaters so that option will confuse the shit out of them
then they should make a setting in vape called enable advanced settings, where you can customize everything


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Suggestion for V4, it'll aim to the nearest point on your target so you'll be able to get better reach on them.
You should also make the multipoint accuracy adjustable from 1 to 5, 5 being extremely accurate while 1 being inaccurate or random.
slink fan boi
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
They did, it’s been in vape lite for years
Fr? I think it's center not multipoint
Also vape v4's aim while on target is completely broken from the last time I checked so an update would be really nice


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Fr? I think it's center not multipoint
Also vape v4's aim while on target is completely broken from the last time I checked so an update would be really nice
it’s definitely multipoint you can check it easily. but multipoint in minecraft is extremely overrated and misunderstood. it’s not always an advantage. a lot of the times the closest point is at the very edge of the hitbox, so when the target moves you’re no longer hovering since aim lags behind. unless you put your speed at 1000 it doesn’t help much. in most cases it’s a disadvantage honestly, and in best cases it’s essentially a placebo. center gives the best results almost every time.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '20
Fr? I think it's center not multipoint
Also vape v4's aim while on target is completely broken from the last time I checked so an update would be really nice
even vape v1 aimassist has it i think, toggle optifine zoom and aimassist at the same time you will notice it doesnt always aim to one location
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
it’s definitely multipoint you can check it easily. but multipoint in minecraft is extremely overrated and misunderstood. it’s not always an advantage. a lot of the times the closest point is at the very edge of the hitbox, so when the target moves you’re no longer hovering since aim lags behind. unless you put your speed at 1000 it doesn’t help much. in most cases it’s a disadvantage honestly, and in best cases it’s essentially a placebo. center gives the best results almost every time.
Center is probably the most detectable too
You can make aimassist aim at best instead of nearest hit vector which will be an advantage at all times
even vape v1 aimassist has it i think, toggle optifine zoom and aimassist at the same time you will notice it doesnt always aim to one location
It'd be nice to implement into v4 then


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Center is probably the most detectable too
You can make aimassist aim at best instead of nearest hit vector which will be an advantage at all times

It'd be nice to implement into v4 then
Its not like the vape one aim directly to the center. It aims generally around it, its clearly a random point and not obvious or detectable whatsoever. what im saying is with multipoint, it tries to aim to the closest point, but the closest point is susceptible to making you slip off target since the closest will be at the very edge(if not already center anyway). Missing the target completely when they move is a much larger disadvantage than potentially getting a tiny amount more reach in rare cases.

Center averages out to be a lot better because of that. Unless you use 1000 aim speed so that it doesnt slip off target. if you really want it use lite but imo its mostly a gimmick and presenting it like its an objective advantage is bad
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
Its not like the vape one aim directly to the center. It aims generally around it, its clearly a random point and not obvious or detectable whatsoever. what im saying is with multipoint, it tries to aim to the closest point, but the closest point is susceptible to making you slip off target since the closest will be at the very edge(if not already center anyway). Missing the target completely when they move is a much larger disadvantage than potentially getting a tiny amount more reach in rare cases.

Center averages out to be a lot better because of that. Unless you use 1000 aim speed so that it doesnt slip off target. if you really want it use lite but imo its mostly a gimmick and presenting it like its an objective advantage is bad
Still aiming to best point (not nearest) will be better
I did try that out on another client and it went pretty well


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Still aiming to best point (not nearest) will be better
I did try that out on another client and it went pretty well
there is no flat out "best point" besides the nearest. nearest is better in theory but in practice it makes you slip off, since nearest means closer to one edge. It might be better if youre locked in a straight line, but if theres any strafing involved then its a disadvantage. so might be useful if they make it somehow detect that you're straight lining someone but otherwise this averages out to a slight disadvantage, so no it shouldnt be said that its better. this isnt some new idea its been in lite for a long long ass time, theres a reason its not adopted everywhere
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
there is no flat out "best point" besides the nearest. nearest is better in theory but in practice it makes you slip off, since nearest means closer to one edge. It might be better if youre locked in a straight line, but if theres any strafing involved then its a disadvantage. so might be useful if they make it somehow detect that you're straight lining someone but otherwise this averages out to a slight disadvantage, so no it shouldnt be said that its better. this isnt some new idea its been in lite for a long long ass time, theres a reason its not adopted everywhere
What I'm talking about is what I suppose is a middle ground between center & multipoint so you can still kind of have an advantage but not slip off.
And there's a reason why clients have multiple aim assist modes, AKA some people prefer center while some people prefer multipoint.
It sometimes depends on game mode too


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And there's a reason why clients have multiple aim assist modes
mostly because its effectively placebo and serves as some sort of novelty - people think its cool and it does enough to make you think it might help. the advantage or disadvantage is minimal, you almost certainly wont notice it which is how placebo kicks in ie "i swear its better!" that comes with many things.

in reality, none of them are actually going for some sort of middle ground because thats extremely situational. which means you are in fact getting a net disadvantage. its not a preference thing its a misunderstanding thing. if there was somehow a smart middleground sure but otherwise no
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
mostly because its effectively placebo and serves as some sort of novelty - people think its cool and it does enough to make you think it might help. the advantage or disadvantage is minimal, you almost certainly wont notice it which is how placebo kicks in ie "i swear its better!" that comes with many things.

in reality, none of them are actually going for some sort of middle ground because thats extremely situational. which means you are in fact getting a net disadvantage. its not a preference thing its a misunderstanding thing. if there was somehow a smart middleground sure but otherwise no
I did use that on another client (Augustus) and it was a bit better than center aim assist after getting used to it
I mean vape can surely do something to make the aim while on target a bit better, can't they?
I get where you're coming from with the placebo thing because if it doesn't focus on aiming at that exact point (which is a disadvantage) it doesn't make much of a difference


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I did use that on another client (Augustus) and it was a bit better than center aim assist after getting used to it
I mean vape can surely do something to make the aim while on target a bit better, can't they?
I get where you're coming from with the placebo thing because if it doesn't focus on aiming at that exact point (which is a disadvantage) it doesn't make much of a difference
I think its a lot more complex, I doubt theres just a simple way to just make it mostly be an advantage. even if its something super small, say you aim slightly more to the right since the close point is the far right edge, youre still risking that youll slip off slightly easier if the target strafes to the left at the cost of a minuscule more reach. a consistent 3.0 reach with 100% accuracy is better than 3.05 when 10% more of your attacks slip off. wheres the middleground? idk, my point is nobody else is realizing this and just acts like its always an advantage. its not! and I estimate its a net disadvantage on the whole, but its usually just a gimmick and does very little either way