Hello i was using keep sprint and got banned and got sent this as evidence https://streamable.com/nqqq7x You think i should appeal or no? Because if high staff founds me guilty my ban gets double. So just tell me if you think i look legit or no in this video.
I get permannent banned for suspicious activity on my account on hypixel, will that have any connection to the use of vape? Am I being dedected and punished ?
I got temp bsnned on hypixel using hitboxes and messing with a blstsnt module of speed bow(i dint know how it worked). I quit pñaying when i got banned a pretty long time ago. Now i have a question:if u go on hypixel again can i still closet cheat with AA, AC 11-26, reach 3.1-3.2 and velocity...
I was playing Acentramc.com with this settings:
-Hold to Click
-CPS: 18.3-20
-Randomization - Extra
Velocity: Jump Reset
-Chance: 30%
-Only when targeting
-Water Check
I was playing boxing with this settings, and I got banned.
idk How I'm banned...
I'm playing with Vape V4 on main account and sometimes when I get really bored I just go and play some hypixel housing parkour maps. I'm wondering if I can get banned for flying on those parkour houses if nobody see me using fly?
i have an account that gets unbanned on oct 12th (the guy i share the account with did smth retarded in sumo) and my main gets unbanned on oct 6th, if i join on my main without a vpn will i get security banned or should i just play (if i get sec banned on a 3 ban account i have a feeling the...
Hey guys, obviously I can't just log in with a different account, right? I got banned on my main but I want to play on Hypixel. Is there a guide? How do I do it? Do I simply restart my router?
Hi guys,
Just prenoting this with the fact that I've had over 50+ accounts banned in the past 6 years. I have a good understanding of the forgiveness system (https://hypixel.net/threads/developer-summary-moderation-forgiveness-system.1849384/) Hypixel has and have had accounts banned of many...
Since kill aura on blatant mode is only bannable by staff, would it be safe to toggle these settings specifically on Mega Walls hole fights, where there is low visibility and hard to know where exactly damage is coming from. If not is there a setting that could give me a slight advantage in...
What is the max setting can I use on Aim Assist without getting banned/detected, does it flags Watchdog or just Staff? (Hypixel)
What I use:
Horizontal: 4
Vertical: Disabled
Angle: 120
my IP is banned on hypixel. I read that the account will not be banned, if the acc is level 21+, is that correct? Bc my main acc is level 30 and I want to play with my normal ip, not with a vpn.
I bought vape to closet cheat on my main because I thought it was supposed to be “the best” at it, but I was banned today, 9PM on a sunday after 3 days of use. I tried to make it as legit as possible so it wouldn’t happen but still did.
My settings:
Reach: 3.2
Autoclicker: 6.0 - 8.9
Logged on today to see the new cape you get from migrating to Microsoft, and apparently I was banned from Hypixel about two weeks ago.
I haven't logged on in months, so I'm wondering if this is common, or if I just got hacked.
There's a good chance this has been requested in the past. I think it would be nice to be able to opt into some ban logging system, where if you get banned itll log what settings you used and what the ban message was for others to view it and tweak their settings based on that. It would also log...