


Social Credit
Vape user
Aug '22
hey i want sumo settings for hypixel so legit then semi legit and blatant thank you


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Vape user
May '22
3.4 and 80 velo is blatant also idk why he cant just type that out instead of making people go to a shitty website and finding it and if people are on mobile they cant even see it without going to his profile.
I thought it was lower than that?
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '20
3.4 and 80 velo is blatant also idk why he cant just type that out instead of making people go to a shitty website and finding it and if people are on mobile they cant even see it without going to his profile.
the worst part is he never updates his shitty thread, there was so many things added to vape throught years yet he still says (10-16 autoclicker without saying use '''''' randomization mode or something and calls it a "config")
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '20
Yeah, it probably won't get you banned even from staff since the fights are way too early to determine their legitimacy from 1 game.
i used the most blatant shit for 4 hours straight and got 472 winstreak in sumo before getting staff banned


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Vape user
May '22
i used the most blatant shit for 4 hours straight and got 472 winstreak in sumo before getting staff banned
I'm not saying your configs are bad in that way.
I'm saying they're bad for closet cheating since you usually never make closet cheating content and just do blatant/semiblatant cheating.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '20
I'm not saying your configs are bad in that way.
I'm saying they're bad for closet cheating since you usually never make closet cheating content and just do blatant/semiblatant cheating.
closet configs are the easiest ones to make and i dont think forcing people to use certain settings matters. the only thing matters is you need to know whats the limit of what you can use, for example if the anticheat bans for 3.5 reach, just know that it bans if you toggle more than that, using 3.2 or 3.4 reach is up to you since not everyone has same gamesense, i believe someone who is good legit would win games even without reach. i can make very good closet configs for every server but you dont even have to obey my config, just use whatever fits you.

also incognitodoge is so stupid and never actually helps people, half of his messages are either "3rd party clients arent supported" or "check my signature (to see me suggesting bland asf vape settings)"
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '20
this guy is autoclicking 8-10 cps with a horrible autoclicker (honestly someone who doesnt have some arm disability would be able to click that cps legit you dont even need autoclicker) and has shit aim, i can beat the shit out of him while being legit lol
VapeV4 VapeLite


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this guy is autoclicking 8-10 cps with a horrible autoclicker (honestly someone who doesnt have some arm disability would be able to click that cps legit you dont even need autoclicker) and has shit aim, i can beat the shit out of him while being legit lol
That video was satire bro how can you not tell that, the name is of the clicker is literally Bonzi LOL?
VapeV4 VapeLite


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the worst part is he never updates his shitty thread, there was so many things added to vape throught years yet he still says (10-16 autoclicker without saying use '''''' randomization mode or something and calls it a "config")
You’re criticizing something I made 2 years ago, I also stated I CANT EDIT IT, THERES A TIME LIMIT.
also incognitodoge is so stupid and never actually helps people, half of his messages are either "3rd party clients arent supported" or "check my signature (to see me suggesting bland asf vape settings)"
Then tell it to the people who say I have been helpful, the reason I respond to those ways is because I’m tried of explaining the same thing over and over again.

You on the other hand are starting to turn into like those trolls from late 21 - 22, I don’t even know why I’m still responding since I’m obviously right and you can look at the last time we argued to see everyone thinks you’re an idiot.

I know you get this ego lift from having a YouTube channel, believe me, nobody cares.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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its not i could i just wanna make sure im staff safe on legit config for sumo
it’s fine, look anything under 3.4 is ok because staff have bigger issues to worry about, im sure you’re not the most blatant person to be reported for staff idk what ping u are but just use 3.25 or something
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '20
You’re criticizing something I made 2 years ago, I also stated I CANT EDIT IT, THERES A TIME LIMIT.

Then tell it to the people who say I have been helpful, the reason I respond to those ways is because I’m tried of explaining the same thing over and over again.

You on the other hand are starting to turn into like those trolls from late 21 - 22, I don’t even know why I’m still responding since I’m obviously right and you can look at the last time we argued to see everyone thinks you’re an idiot.

I know you get this ego lift from having a YouTube channel, believe me, nobody cares.
then why do you still tell people to check your stupid outdated config if you cant edit it

just because you have 2-3 people dick riding you in every possible way doesnt mean you are right at everything you say, also if i had ego i wouldnt even reply to you. hope you will also quit forums one day so it will be a nicer place


Social Credit
Vape user
May '22
then why do you still tell people to check your stupid outdated config if you cant edit it

just because you have 2-3 people dick riding you in every possible way doesnt mean you are right at everything you say, also if i had ego i wouldnt even reply to you. hope you will also quit forums one day so it will be a nicer place
Can you just stop arguing? It's really pointless arguing about shit like this, especially dragging it on for several weeks to months.
It's also very stupid and isn't welcoming to new people at all, instead it just makes them feel uncomfortable.