Hypixel Atlas [How To Bypass] [Analysis]



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Sep '20
Don't know if I am lucky or if Hypixel is dumb, I have been using 3.7 - 3.9 reach for months now (even after replay addition) with no issue.
Also, velocity H: 70 V: 85 C: 100
By months I mean like 6-8 months now with no bans or questions about cheating from other players (other than the usual noobs who don't know how to play). I only play bedwars and I don't try to show my cheats blatantly. So many other people when they fight me they are not sus of my hits or anything (unless they don't know how to aim) and I still get hit every once in awhile against someone who does know how to play. What am I doing right / wrong?
TL.DR I Have more blatant settings than these and don't get called out, What am I doing right / others doing wrong?
You're very lucky to not have been banned with those settings yet.


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I play legit on my main and have a 19.3fkdr :/
Don't know if I am lucky or if Hypixel is dumb, I have been using 3.7 - 3.9 reach for months now (even after replay addition) with no issue.
Also, velocity H: 70 V: 85 C: 100
By months I mean like 6-8 months now with no bans or questions about cheating from other players (other than the usual noobs who don't know how to play). I only play bedwars and I don't try to show my cheats blatantly. So many other people when they fight me they are not sus of my hits or anything (unless they don't know how to aim) and I still get hit every once in awhile against someone who does know how to play. What am I doing right / wrong?
TL.DR I Have more blatant settings than these and don't get called out, What am I doing right / others doing wrong?
Even if you meant to say the atlas system, it came out on January 19, 2021 which is less than a month ago. You can't say you are "bypassing" atlas with your settings because you aren't.


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Sep '20
I play legit on my main and have a 19.3fkdr :/

Even if you meant to say the atlas system, it came out on January 19, 2021 which is less than a month ago. You can't say you are "bypassing" atlas with your settings because you aren't.
Atlas is an interesting system, and hopefully it gets removed or at least discontinued.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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speed/ninja bridge is the same thing, also 3.5 will get you banned lol its blatant
ok im confused now. first you say 4 block gets you banned and you say 3.5 as well???
are you like a mega closet cheater or what??
from what i know you are supposed to use really low settings on practice pvp servers and for recording but if you generally use it then im confused
VapeV4 VapeLite


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I got false banned while looting a chest but when I used 4.2-4.21 reach on my alt for few months I never got banned
Ive been using 4 block blatant reach with blatant hitbox timer, autoclick 12-15 cps, max aim assist, fast place no delay, antibot never banned. if you were banned for using those settings you listed above heres my opinion.

Ok first of all I'm not an expert nor am I qualified to give you advice but this is coming from someone who hasn't been banned for using vape ever.

Everyone has all these 1 page long reasons why you were banned, but here is mine. Simply turn on antibot. I noticed when using antibot a lot more settings bypass so yep.


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I'll make a setting for Vape Lite velocity soon then.
If you have any settings for mega walls that you could toss over i'd love that <3,Also do you know if hypixel only temp bans now bc i have been tons of times on one account i own and its only been 1 year bans? ( will those settings you posted work good on mega walls do you know )?


Well-Known Member
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Sep '20
If you have any settings for mega walls that you could toss over i'd love that <3,Also do you know if hypixel only temp bans now bc i have been tons of times on one account i own and its only been 1 year bans? ( will those settings you posted work good on mega walls do you know )?
Yeah, those settings should work fine on Mega Walls.


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The replay addition isn't whats getting people banned, its the Atlas system that utilizes the replay system to submit reports directly to staff members. If you are using 3.7-3.9 and not getting called out then chances are you aren't very good at pvp, good pvpers are going to be called out for even just 3.1 block reach. The atlas system was added recently and those settings won't last you more than a couple weeks in bedwars if you queue good players or games filled with MVP+'s.
How tf would someone notice 3.1 reach? Hypixel is the laggiest server ever, 3.1 on Hypixel is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY harder to notice than 3.1 on Minemen due to Minemen having a one tenth of Hypixel's ping, even with only AimAssist, I get double/triple hits from VERY far


Well-Known Member
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Sep '20
How tf would someone notice 3.1 reach? Hypixel is the laggiest server ever, 3.1 on Hypixel is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY harder to notice than 3.1 on Minemen due to Minemen having a one tenth of Hypixel's ping, even with only AimAssist, I get double/triple hits from VERY far
That's probably why using reach on minemen is risky.


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ok im confused now. first you say 4 block gets you banned and you say 3.5 as well???
are you like a mega closet cheater or what??
from what i know you are supposed to use really low settings on practice pvp servers and for recording but if you generally use it then im confused
3.5 will get you banned in ranked skywars, also some people use really low settings because they have a good reputation or don't want to known as a cheater.


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Hypixel Atlas Summary / Analysis

So, as most of the known members in the community know, I've been temporarily banned from Hypixel for accidentally injecting Vape on Stream, and hearing about this new "Atlas" System is intriguing me. From a Legitimate Player's perspective, this is the perfect system to start a server clean-up from Closet Cheaters, 1000's of nerdy 12 year olds thinking they are Tenebrous will be watching this system EVERY single day and hour, not even bothering to take a shower. Then, there is our perspectives, I personally don't cheat on Hypixel anymore, but clearly I have sympathy for the Closet Cheating Community (Fuck you Blatant Cheaters).

I'll be providing the best Hypixel Closet Cheat Settings for both Vape Lite and VapeV4, since there will be a ton of bans because of this new system that is currently on Hypixel. I'll also give explanations for both V4 and Lite settings and why they'll be able to bypass both Staff and Nerdy Tenebrous Wannabe.


PVP Settings

Aim Assist: Custom (Whatever you want to use)
AutoClicker: 10 - 13 CPS / Randomized / Break Blocks
Reach: 3.35 - 3.55 / Vertical Check / Misplace (Optional)
Velocity: Default VapeV4 Settings with Anti-Combo on (5 Hits)
Hitbox (Optional/Risky): 0.01 - 0.1
KeepSprint (Optional/Risky) (DO NOT JUMP MID FIGHT IF ENABLED)

Bridging Settings

Safewalk: Directional Check
FastPlace: 0 Tick

You're able to the following with these settings -
- God Bridge (Jump every 7 Blocks)
- Moonwalk (Strafe like Breezily but God Bridge Style)
- Breezily Bridge
- Speed Bridge (Preferably Use Legit Scaffold)
- Telly Bridge
- Most Bridging Styles

VapeV4 Summary

You may ask yourself, why are these settings good to use? By using common knowledge and knowing that Hypixel uses a Plugin Called "Citizens 2", the Staff are well aware that the Replay System is still BETA and not perfect, and it will never be perfect. Citizens updates the movement of the NPC every 20 ticks, so basically, if you're using anything higher than 3.7 Reach, the Staff will easily be able to tell by watching the Replay System, since 20 ticks is only 0.2ms behind the block, so if estimated correctly and positioned correctly, you will be banned for cheating since the Replay System ticks you back 3.2 Block (Estimated Number, could be lower or higher). But, good thing is, staff still have to review the reports, Atlas is just to get to cheaters faster and ban them at a quicker rate.

Vape Lite

PVP Settings

Aim Assist: Custom (Whatever you want to use)
AutoClicker: 10 - 13 CPS / Randomized / Break Blocks
Reach: 3.35 - 3.55 / Vertical Check / Misplace (Optional)
Hitbox (Optional/Risky): 0.01 - 0.1

Bridging Settings

Legit Scaffold: 80

- Speed Bridge

Vape Lite Summary

Currently, Vape Lite doesn't really need that much explanation, most of it was already summarized in the VapeV4 Summary.



Q: Why didn't you list an Aim Assist Setting?
A: Aim Assist will always stay undetectable third-person and through AntiCheat.

Q: Why only 10 - 13 CPS AutoClicker?
A: Hypixel uses the AntiCheat "NoCheatPlus" and NoCheatPlus cancels hits at 14 - 15 CPS, I've personally tested this before, and I got more hits clicking 12 than 15 - 18 CPS.

Q: Why can't we click more than 12 CPS?
A: In Hypixel Replays, clicking over 12 CPS could catch some of these spectators off, since a double hit with 3.55 MAX Reach would catch some eyes, so it's better to stick with 12 CPS, and the double tap rate is still the same, just not delayed.

Q: Why should I use 3.35 - 3.55 Reach?
A: You don't have to, however, wether you have good or bad ping, Citizens will still position you at the spot of the DELAYED hit and your X and Z position would show you hitting them at 3.5 Blocks if you reach them from 3.35 and 3.7 at 3.55 Blocks. Hypixel Staff know that the Reach on Replay System should be accurate around 3.7 - 3.8 Blocks.

Q: Why should I use Velocity with Anti-Combo on?
A: Simply it's less noticeable and can grant you a huge advantage.

Q: Why would we need Bridge Settings?
A: It's just for the players how play Bedwars. They'll understand.

Q: Why is the Hitbox only 0.01 - 0.1?
A: Hypixel can easily detect Modified Hitbox and in all Replay Mods.

Q: On VapeV4, why did you include KeepSprint?
A: KeepSprint isn't detected by the AntiCheat and semi-safe from Atlas, however, noticeable if jumping and used incorrectly.


Final Conclusion

To be completely straight with you guys, I am utterly shocked that Hypixel would go this far and hand out Reports to players for them to simply review it themselves. This will completely wipe out Blatant Cheaters and Blatant Closet Cheaters. I wish you guys the best of luck, and stay safe from this new System.

Atlas Article: https://hypixel.net/threads/atlas-community-based-replay-review-system.3630110/
Citizens 2 Development Plugin: https://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Citizens2/
Edit: Please keep up to date with the Citizens Plugin, if you see any changes to the Registry and or Navigation / Entity Track, you should start to try track the replay system and check if it looks like blatant reach or not.​
Sorry but I dont know what is "keepsprint". is that when you hit someone you will keep sprinting?