6/10/2023: The cracked blocksmc server is currently under review by Mojang, so you will have to play on the premium server, but you will last an exceptionally long time because of this!
Keep in mind that this will get you staff banned, just not anti-cheat banned.
Here are the IPs of the server: blocksmc.com, premium.blocksmc.com
Config Showcase:
Features [Green = Works fine, Yellow = Works but not flawlessly/flags if used incorrectly]:
Kill Aura
Keep Sprint
Inv Walk
0 delay Auto Armor, Auto Hotbar, Inv Cleaner, Chest Steal
Bed Breaker
0 Velocity
Blatant Scaffold with Tower
Anti Fall
No Slowdown
Long Jump
Kill Aura:
Mode - Silent
Block Hit: ON
Aim Speed: 100
Target: Ignore none (Or whatever you prefer)
Attacks per Second: 8 - 12
Swing range: 4.2
Attack range: 4.2
Max angle: 360
Target Mode - Health (Or whatever you prefer)
Disable on death: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Require mouse down: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
GUI Check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Show target: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Limit to items: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Aim Assist:
Target: Ignore none (Or whatever you prefer)
Click Aim: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Aim while on target: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Strafe increase: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Check block break: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Aim Vertically: ON
Vertical Speed: 100
Horizontal Speed: 100
Distance: 6
Limit to items: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Auto Clicker:
Hold to Click: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Inventory Fill: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Trigger Mode: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Hit Select: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Break blocks: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Break blocks delay: 0 - 0
Break blocks Whitelist: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Block Hit: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Block Hit - Auto (Or whatever you prefer)
CPS: 8 - 12
Randomization - Extra
Jitter: OFF
Limit Items: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Range: 4.2 - 4.2
Misplace: OFF
Vertical Check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Only while sprinting: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Disable in water: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Sprint: [We have to use it to get the full No Slowdown effect]
Cancel Invis: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Horizontal: 0%
Vertical: 0%
Chance: 100%
Only while targeting: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Water check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Anti-Combo: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Kite mode: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Anti Fall:
Speed Check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Fall Distance: 2.1m
Direction - Outgoing only
Type - All
Breadcrumbs: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Spawn Fake: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Auto send: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Send threshold: 100
Inv Walk:
Inventory only: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Sneak: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Rotate: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Keep Sprint:
No settings.
Long Jump:
Boost: 0
Toggle: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
No Slowdown:
Limit Items: On
Whitelist: swords
Auto Armor:
Open Inventory: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Inventory Only: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Check Durability: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Drop Equipped: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Combat check: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Delay: 50 - 50
Auto Hotbar:
Activation - On key
Delay: 0
Profiles are included in my config code.
Inv Cleaner:
Activation: Toggle
Delay: 0 - 0
Inventory Only: ON
Best Items: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Remove Negative Potions: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Remove Food: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Chest Steal:
Check in Menu: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Best only: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Keep open: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Shuffle: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Click Delay: 0 - 0
Mode - Blatant
Tower: ON
Stop Motion: OFF
Stop Sprinting: ON
Delay: 0ms
Block count: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Pitch check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Blacklist: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Whitelist: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Bed Breaker:
No settings.
Long Jump:
Make sure that you only toggle Long Jump while you are taking damage, and also make sure that you don't go backward with it as it will flag for Omni Sprint.
A reward for scrolling down. You can just paste the Profile Code into the Public Profiles without doing anything else : )).
A tutorial on how to use the Public Configs can be found here:
If you get banned for 24 hours, it means you have gotten anti-cheat banned. Please let me know if you have gotten anti-cheat banned using this, so we can figure out if something bans.
If you get banned for 7 days, it means you have gotten staff banned.
If you play on a premium account (a minecraft.net account), you can use any VPN service.
If you play on a cracked account, you have to use Mysterium VPN or follow this guide: https://forums.vape.gg/index.php?threads/how-to-bypass-antivpns.45557/
Keep in mind that this will get you staff banned, just not anti-cheat banned.
Here are the IPs of the server: blocksmc.com, premium.blocksmc.com
Config Showcase:
Features [Green = Works fine, Yellow = Works but not flawlessly/flags if used incorrectly]:
Kill Aura
Keep Sprint
Inv Walk
0 delay Auto Armor, Auto Hotbar, Inv Cleaner, Chest Steal
Bed Breaker
0 Velocity
Blatant Scaffold with Tower
Anti Fall
No Slowdown
Long Jump
Kill Aura:
Mode - Silent
Block Hit: ON
Aim Speed: 100
Target: Ignore none (Or whatever you prefer)
Attacks per Second: 8 - 12
Swing range: 4.2
Attack range: 4.2
Max angle: 360
Target Mode - Health (Or whatever you prefer)
Disable on death: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Require mouse down: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
GUI Check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Show target: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Limit to items: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Aim Assist:
Target: Ignore none (Or whatever you prefer)
Click Aim: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Aim while on target: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Strafe increase: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Check block break: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Aim Vertically: ON
Vertical Speed: 100
Horizontal Speed: 100
Distance: 6
Limit to items: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Auto Clicker:
Hold to Click: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Inventory Fill: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Trigger Mode: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Hit Select: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Break blocks: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Break blocks delay: 0 - 0
Break blocks Whitelist: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Block Hit: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Block Hit - Auto (Or whatever you prefer)
CPS: 8 - 12
Randomization - Extra
Jitter: OFF
Limit Items: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Range: 4.2 - 4.2
Misplace: OFF
Vertical Check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Only while sprinting: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Disable in water: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Sprint: [We have to use it to get the full No Slowdown effect]
Cancel Invis: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Horizontal: 0%
Vertical: 0%
Chance: 100%
Only while targeting: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Water check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Anti-Combo: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Kite mode: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Anti Fall:
Speed Check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Fall Distance: 2.1m
Direction - Outgoing only
Type - All
Breadcrumbs: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Spawn Fake: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Auto send: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Send threshold: 100
Inv Walk:
Inventory only: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Sneak: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Rotate: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Keep Sprint:
No settings.
Long Jump:
Boost: 0
Toggle: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
No Slowdown:
Limit Items: On
Whitelist: swords
Auto Armor:
Open Inventory: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Inventory Only: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Check Durability: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Drop Equipped: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Combat check: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Delay: 50 - 50
Auto Hotbar:
Activation - On key
Delay: 0
Profiles are included in my config code.
Inv Cleaner:
Activation: Toggle
Delay: 0 - 0
Inventory Only: ON
Best Items: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Remove Negative Potions: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Remove Food: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Chest Steal:
Check in Menu: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Best only: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Keep open: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Shuffle: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Click Delay: 0 - 0
Mode - Blatant
Tower: ON
Stop Motion: OFF
Stop Sprinting: ON
Delay: 0ms
Block count: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Pitch check: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Blacklist: ON (Or whatever you prefer)
Whitelist: OFF (Or whatever you prefer)
Bed Breaker:
No settings.
Long Jump:
Make sure that you only toggle Long Jump while you are taking damage, and also make sure that you don't go backward with it as it will flag for Omni Sprint.
A reward for scrolling down. You can just paste the Profile Code into the Public Profiles without doing anything else : )).
A tutorial on how to use the Public Configs can be found here:
If you get banned for 24 hours, it means you have gotten anti-cheat banned. Please let me know if you have gotten anti-cheat banned using this, so we can figure out if something bans.
If you get banned for 7 days, it means you have gotten staff banned.
If you play on a premium account (a minecraft.net account), you can use any VPN service.
If you play on a cracked account, you have to use Mysterium VPN or follow this guide: https://forums.vape.gg/index.php?threads/how-to-bypass-antivpns.45557/
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