Vape V4.12 update! (NoJumpDelay, Killaura, FakeLag modes, etc)


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Jan '23
Just posting this so everyone who doesn't know about it yet can try it out, download new exe to get access.

If I forgot something please let me know.


- FakeLag modes (Latency, Dynamic). Dynamic will look like you're teleporting and using reach to your enemies depending on settings.

- HitSelect is now its own module, it has 2 modes (Pause, Active). Pause is normal hitselect while active keeps swinging.

- Normal Velocity now has tick delay!

- NoJumpDelay added (its essentially like spamming jump).

- Freecam revamped, now it shouldn't flag anticheats as easily (or at all?) & it now has an option called "Allow Interacting" which allows you to interact with blocks and entities while in freecam, this would be default before if you were in blatant mode so now you can disable it.

- Inventory management modules now has its own tab, "Inventory".

- Silent Killaura was improved and several new things added. It is now its own module SilentAura (imo they should combine them again), Normal killaura is now just the Killaura module.

SilentAura now has movement correction!

None - Does not correct your movement
Slow - WIll slow down your movement to prevent irregular speeds
Proper - Will attempt to steer you towards your cursor location with proper movements
There's also a few changes with it, show target in SilentAura now has a ring (like the friend indicators).
You can now enable so you can see rotations in third person.
It has an aim indicator option that will draw a line to where you're aiming silently.

- Some blatant modules were removed.

At first I was really against this when it was first mentioned but after seeing that most of the removed ones weren't that useful I think this is a good change.

The blatant killaura mode & blatant scaffold modes were also removed.
i was going to ask why they removed blatent scaffold until i remembered that it doesnt bypass anywhere
VapeV4 VapeLite


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Yeah. It would be cool to have a silent godbridge or something like that with movement correction and everything,
They should make a fall chance for godbridge/tellybridge too with silent modes. It'd replace blatant scaffold in a good way.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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May '22
thats retarded, imagine your scaffold fails while carrying 12 emeralds in bedwars
I know. That's why I'm suggesting it.
God and telly bridge are made to fall (to make it not seem too blatant).
VapeV4 VapeLite


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They should make a fall chance for godbridge/tellybridge too with silent modes. It'd replace blatant scaffold in a good way.
As Merryzz said a fall chance is kind of retarded. No one would use scaffold then.
I know. That's why I'm suggesting it.
God and telly bridge are made to fall (to make it not seem too blatant).
They can fail sometimes but are you sure they do that on purpose?
VapeV4 VapeLite


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I know. That's why I'm suggesting it.
God and telly bridge are made to fall (to make it not seem too blatant).
No, the tellybridge and godbridge are made to simulate legit movements. It rotates your head to have the least fall rate i.e. 1%. The fall rate isn't chosen.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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As Merryzz said a fall chance is kind of retarded. No one would use scaffold then.

They can fail sometimes but are you sure they do that on purpose?
Someone said that it's intended (either zeus or someone whose post got liked by him in the bug reports thread).
VapeV4 VapeLite


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No, the tellybridge and godbridge are made to simulate legit movements. It rotates your head to have the least fall rate i.e. 1%. The fall rate isn't chosen.
But if done perfectly over and over again, should it not have a 0% fall rate?


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Randomly decided to check up on vape after a few months offline, after was an updated day ago? And it has the same bdynamic PVP blink I've been suggesting to clients for years? awesome. I was literally about to learn Java just so I could code it on my own since nobody else would.