
New Member
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Feb '23
I'm looking for settings for Killaura that will bypass the anticheat, and will not be obvious to people watching. This is for PikaNetwork

Settings I use atm: Blatant Aura with mode set to Switch, it ignores those thru walls, with 15.1-20.1 attacks per second, with 60 switch delay and 6.1 swing range, 3 attack range, 180 degrees max angle, max targets 1-2 depending on situation, target mode set to health (this attacks lowest health right? Not highest?) Aim mode set to Anticheat, and finally perfect swing, GUI check, disable on death, and show target set to rainbow.

I have had this thing where I "rubberband" back to where I first attacked someone with killaura tho. If someone knows why, that would be great!
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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Mar '22
I'm looking for settings for Killaura that will bypass the anticheat, and will not be obvious to people watching. This is for PikaNetwork

Settings I use atm: Blatant Aura with mode set to Switch, it ignores those thru walls, with 15.1-20.1 attacks per second, with 60 switch delay and 6.1 swing range, 3 attack range, 180 degrees max angle, max targets 1-2 depending on situation, target mode set to health (this attacks lowest health right? Not highest?) Aim mode set to Anticheat, and finally perfect swing, GUI check, disable on death, and show target set to rainbow.

I have had this thing where I "rubberband" back to where I first attacked someone with killaura tho. If someone knows why, that would be great!
Look at Merryzz YouTube profile.