Add speedmine to VapeV4.


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speedmine is a little bit stable then fastbreak. I used many clients to test it. speedmine is that if you hold an efficient III diamond pickaxe, you feel like you holding an efficient V or more diamond pickaxe mining. I m not a member in a hack client just feel it. I used powerx client before. The speedmine here is very fluent. Instead of Fastbreak in Liquidbounce or flux, you see your hands shaked so fast.

DREAMS (gone legit).

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so you give no details to speedmine. Speedmine firstly it wont get detected. Not may get detect. It wont. The timer is not speedmine mod. I just said before, they have no relationships. There is fastplace but no fastbreak. Why dont you ask fastplace may get detect? Also speemine has haste I - V effect. If you worry, just use haste1 then or you dont enable it if you dont need it. It is ok? Dont put some fake nagetive support on it. You dont like it just dont use. As you say that Vape is a ghost client. But it s a excuse. Why not shutdown bhop nofall criticals. Is it more blatant than speedmine and get player report easily. Please put some positive or support on it. Dont use some "maybe it has problem" to avoid it.
Theres a speedmine mod & speedmine looks blatant as fuck in replays.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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Dec '20
timer is not faatbreak ok? dont guess and connect something. timer increase all game tick speed. But fastbreak it gives you haste effect to mine the block faster only. You just download other hack client. If you fastbreak get detected I pay you $26.5. Timer and fastbreak are not same function, ok?
fastmine increases your game tick so does timer
VapeV4 VapeLite


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Dec '20
so you give no details to speedmine. Speedmine firstly it wont get detected. Not may get detect. It wont. The timer is not speedmine mod. I just said before, they have no relationships. There is fastplace but no fastbreak. Why dont you ask fastplace may get detect? Also speemine has haste I - V effect. If you worry, just use haste1 then or you dont enable it if you dont need it. It is ok? Dont put some fake nagetive support on it. You dont like it just dont use. As you say that Vape is a ghost client. But it s a excuse. Why not shutdown bhop nofall criticals. Is it more blatant than speedmine and get player report easily. Please put some positive or support on it. Dont use some "maybe it has problem" to avoid it.
just use future client it bypasses


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watchdog doesn't detect speedmine but ncp will block it, also using timer to break blocks faster is retarded it's gonna flag timer or regen and get you banned, speedmine just sends C07PacketPlayerDigging with C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action.STOP_DESTROY_BLOCK parameter earlier or manipulates the breaking block delay (which is 4 ticks, like the placement delay)
VapeV4 VapeLite


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This will most likely not be added into Vape v4, but Manthe can surprise us all.

Fast break is too detectable, plus Vape v4, being a ghost client, will focus on enhancing ghost features.

If you want fast break just get a blatant client, and get banned so we can laugh at you.


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speedmine is not a single module, it has value to change it speed. speed 1.0-3.0. Just take example in other bypass client. If speedmine is so blatant why not hidden or disable criticals or nofall etc.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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speedmine is not a single module, it has value to change it speed. speed 1.0-3.0. Just take example in other bypass client. If speedmine is so blatant why not hidden or disable criticals or nofall etc.
Bruh nobody cares ForevertardJ. meh it will never be as good as Vretardx tho. 😂