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  1. Callum1

    Opponent strength indicator

    What if he doesn't just want to use it on Hypixel, what if he ends up running up on a mass amount of people not knowing who will have strength, i fully understand where you are coming from but in some sense this feature would still be unique in it's own way.
  2. Callum1

    Opponent strength indicator

    So basically you should run 24/7? as they 'might' have strength, that's why he wants this module so he 100% knows...
  3. Callum1

    Opponent strength indicator

    tip: if you have borderline no armour on and they have strength even if there aim is shit it will still fuck you up, should've took other things into consideration instead of saying 'use brain'
  4. Callum1

    Opponent strength indicator

    This seems like a very good idea, let's hope it's as easy to do as you put it ;)
  5. Callum1

    Better Armour Highlighter

    Instead of making another post i minds as well put this here, do you think manthe/you would ever add 'Hitboxes' to Vape Lite? It's not an neccecisty i just thought why not ask.
  6. Callum1

    Better Armour Highlighter

    I think if you added something where if you have iron armour or diamond armour that isn't enchanted when you open you inventory it should highlight or do something that makes you know that that specific item or weapon is better than what you're currently wearing o have in your inventory. I hope...
  7. Callum1

    Vape v3 Scaffold Question

    Yes, there does have a legit scaffold perfect for your needs and i don't think they do discount codes. You'll just have to wait until it's on sale
  8. Callum1

    The Font that you use

    Self explanatory but what's the font that you implemented called 'Smooth Font' and what's the real name of it? Hopefully you can let me know as i want to use it for some certain things
  9. Callum1

    ! Macro !

    Shift + Left Click [Then choose the Key]
  10. Callum1

    -Xmx1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M

    -Xmx1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M
  11. Callum1


    I don't think you will be able to run a ghost client with Cheat Breaker...
  12. Callum1

    Vape > All

    Vape > All
  13. Callum1

    Is arithmo trolling?

    Yes. He is working with Manthe. I think Arithmo is making a blatant version of Vape i am not sure though.
  14. Callum1

    Hyperium Client + Vape Lite?

    I have not yet tried it.. I'll try with Vape V3 if it works it should work with Vape Lite!
  15. Callum1

    What Good Mod Versions Work With Vape V3 (KeyStrokes)

    Hello, I'm wondering what mods like keystrokes mod works well with vape to make you look more legit whilst closet cheating... I've tested a few Keystroke versions and none seem to work perfectly like they do with Vape Lite. However i hope some of you know what version of mods or what mods are...
  16. Callum1


    I hope Manthe realised that he put 'strafge' instead of 'strafe' in aim assist LOL
  17. Callum1

    Inventory Cleaner

  18. Callum1

    HitBoxes For Vape Lite

    Well as you see by the title i want Hitboxes added to Vape Lite. I haven't got the best aim but i am more confident with it on
  19. Callum1

    Vape V3 And Vape V2 FreeCam Bug

    Everytime i try to activate freecam my screen lock and some things on my screen turn black... Worked before no idea why it isn't now Also i have crash problems with Vape V3 when i escape to servers or when i have a massive FPS drop.
  20. Callum1

    Freecam Flickering

    I am having issues with the Macros on Vape V3 Do you know why or is it just my end? It works fine on V2 and Vape Lite