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  1. TerribleCheater

    General Closet Cheating QOL Changes

    Velocity Jump Reset: Disable if Jump Boost active Add an option to disable the Velocity module's Jump Reset option if the player has jump boost. In scenarios where you have jump boost, jump resetting results you failing the jump reset and randomly jump high mid-fight, causing you to almost...
  2. TerribleCheater

    Vape V4 v4.04 Update (Changelog)

    Vape V4 4.04 Added on October 13th, 2020 ( New additions: Health Prediction - Predicts health of players, for whenever health is hidden server side -Options to estimate for food + healing from food and to estimate damage from falling (fall damage) Explosions...
  3. TerribleCheater

    nametag is not working for me

    oh, i’m pretty sure vape updated it so that nametags replace the original nametags. took me like 3 days to get used to, after that it just looks clean asf
  4. TerribleCheater

    timer 1.07 still good for hypixel?

    Anything over 1.04 for Timer is risky. If you’re planning on using it on an alt/don’t care about being banned, you can use 1.07 (Short-term/Safer) If you’re planning on using it on your main/do care about being banned, I don’t recommend using Timer at all—but you do don’t go over 1.04...
  5. TerribleCheater

    nametag is not working for me

  6. TerribleCheater

    manthe clicker

    yes because badlion client doesn’t ban for autoclickers. if you want more information regarding this, visit: however, this does NOT mean that vape can bypass BAC. only use external autoclickers like manthe clicker, etc.
  7. TerribleCheater

    manthe clicker

    false, badlion client doesn’t ban for autoclickers.
  8. TerribleCheater

    Autoclicker Blockhit only on Swords

    When the blockhit option is on it works on any item. This causes problems, especially when switching from your sword to your rod really quickly, since the rod cannot go far without being pulled back due to the blockhit feature. I suggest just making it so that the blockhit option only works...
  9. TerribleCheater

    Novoline or Remix?

    novoline is better
  10. TerribleCheater

    Question about Injecting

    You will not be banned on BADLION CLIENT if you inject Vape into it on a non BAC protected server. However, you may be banned on the server you’re cheating on depending on how high your settings are. As long as you’re not in a BAC protected server, your chances of a ban are very low since the...
  11. TerribleCheater

    no-hit glitch (Blockhit glitch) hypixel

    the blockhit option was made to stop the no-hit glitch. it is not bannable, and actually might be better than not having it on.
  12. TerribleCheater

    autoclicker inventory fill

    it does work in chests, not sure about ender chests but i assume it would also work in enderchests
  13. TerribleCheater

    Question eh

    if you set your delay over 100 you’re safe, but that would be almost as slow as you doing it fast manually
  14. TerribleCheater

    Vape strings

    dm me
  15. TerribleCheater

    Where is auto rod?

    go download vape v3 if you want rod aimbot. the module itself doesnt even work properly, that’s why they scrapped it in the first place. but if you really want to use it, no ones stopping you
  16. TerribleCheater

    Can you cheat on MMC and not get banned

    6-12, anything higher is risky
  17. TerribleCheater


    Rearview is basically a camera that shows whats behind you. Pretty useful to see what the person chasing you is doing. However, I have one question: How detectable is this? Wouldn't the server detect that you're not using third person and still being able to see behind you..?
  18. TerribleCheater

    How do you put exact numbers? (3.00999 etc)

    Use the arrow keys and shift button edit: if you mean like typing the value in, i have no clue
  19. TerribleCheater

    Vape V4 Changelog..?

    I have like 50 profiles all for different servers/gamemodes within those servers. Most of them are Hypixel, and some settings are like: Ranked SW, Insane SW, Normal SW, Mega SW, Solo Bedwars, Team Bedwars, Solo UHC, Team UHC, etc. So it would take way more than 20 minutes, and probably at least...