What's a good or better VPN for Hypixel besides MysteriumVPN.


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Jul '23
I need a VPN. I don't like to spend money for stuff like this so I want to go the cheapest. I was planning on buying MysteriumVPN. I wan't a VPN that works on Hypixel and don't get me banned for sus activity. Avast has a free trial for 60 days and I have no idea if that bypasses. Before I buy MysteriumVPN, I want to know if Proton bypasses or any alternative VPN that's better or cheaper besides MysteriumVPN. It can be free or paid, I just want a VPN that works. I don't care if its gives bad ping just a working VPN that will bypass Hypixel.
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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Jan '20
I need a VPN. I don't like to spend money for stuff like this so I want to go the cheapest. I was planning on buying MysteriumVPN. I wan't a VPN that works on Hypixel and don't get me banned for sus activity. Avast has a free trial for 60 days and I have no idea if that bypasses. Before I buy MysteriumVPN, I want to know if Proton bypasses or any alternative VPN that's better or cheaper besides MysteriumVPN. It can be free or paid, I just want a VPN that works. I don't care if its gives bad ping just a working VPN that will bypass Hypixel.
Pretty much every vpn will bypass hypixel. First I would try to get your hands on a nord account, which you can find online with a little digging. I personally use mysterium because it is the cheapest of the paid vpns, and has residential ips (not needed for hypixel, just servers with advanced anti-vpns). As long as you aren't watching youtube / streaming things in the background, a typical play session on a residential IP (costs a little more than the normal ones) for me is around .2-.3 myst, which is like a tenth of a cent.