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  • Opinions on the username change on discord?
    I think anyone that has administrator permissions in a server that is getting terminated gets banned.

    and yeah nyor is weird, calls everyone on here a loser but made 30+ accounts to reaction score boost and troll with unfunny comments.
    Discord's argumentation reason is also not the best one: They said that if you want to have the username PhiBi, but there are already 9999 other PhiBi's you can't get it, and you would have to add numbers or underlines to get it. But now only 1 person can get the username PhiBi and all other people will have to add numbers and underlines.
    They probably have some other reason for this than what they said. Personally I don't really care, I stopped caring about social media stuff long ago I only have discord etc so I can talk to people.
    Opinions on yeat? (the rapper)
    I think some of his songs are catchy but I don't think I have any of them on my playlists becayse his music just isn't that well made. The only person I know who genuinely loves Yeat is currently a drug dealer that used to take pictures of people's credit cards at his restaurant job and sexually assaulted two girls, one of whom is a very good friend of mine if that is any demonstration of the average yeat lover.
    I feel the same away about most rap, I think most of them have a few ok songs but the rest just sounds like the same thing (usually because it’s just polished over with autotune.)

    Also good demonstration of that type of person LOL 💀
    How do you feel about the api changes on hypixel (if you read abt it)
    probably a good change, less snipers
    Do you have an opinion on people that still snipe winstreaks?
    idk if this just never sent or if I'm blind but I think sniping in general is weird. The only exception would be sniping cheaters on huge winstreaks bc that's kinda funny but other than that cheating and stream sniping solely for the purpose of ruining someone else's fun, rather than having fun for yourself, is weird.
    what is your opinion on people in this community bullying me and being toxic to me when i help everyone
    How did you get the active member role 💀
    i am an active member
    Any thoughts on the hypixel banwave (people got banned for 3.3 etc) also did ur main account survive? XD
    Also in UHC they accidently turned on their reach detections that caught a few people for it so the banwave detecting 3.3 isn't that far off a possibility
    I really don’t know if it’s real or not. Idek if the uhc one was real. Regardless, my main survived.
    I can't edit it but I change what I said, this banwave only affected retards that used killaura 24/7.

    Nobody was banned for 3.3 I've come to realize that all these people used something else and are lying since my accounts are all fine (I play like 12 hours everyday lol)

    I only believed it since there was an actual banwave and not just 1 person claiming to be banned for 3.3
    What's your opinion on ghost cheating in this day and age?
    If ur just asking if I like ghost cheating, I absolutely do. I haven't played mc legit in so long, but blatant cheating gets very stale sometimes. Closet cheating is fun because I still get to play the game, but all the really annoying shit (like clicking and bridging) is done for me. I am able to play on my main account, I don't have to use a vpn, and I still can go fairly blatant on some servers.
    I feel the same way!
    Why does everyone ask you your opinions and questions? This probably came off as toxic but I’m curious
    Tbh I have no idea, it’s really just incognitodoge tyxers just did it for the first time today. The only reason I can think of is I used to dick ride the shit out of vape, so I would consider myself fairly knowledgeable.
    I will do it forever and ever (joke, I don't got that free time on my hands.)
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    Reactions: Alexx
    Yes same thing ^
    What’s something you really resent paying for?
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    100% vbucks in fortnite lol. I’m pretty sure I well surpassed the $1000 mark. If you want an answer that is Minecraft cheating related, it’s probably one of the exit scams that I have bought. Ice tea ghost client was a big one, because I’m pretty sure it was one of my like 4 clients at the time.
    damn, 1k on vbucks? may your bank rest in peace.
    what is your opinion on people that act like their name is og but it isn’t
    I think that the Minecraft rare name “community” is pretty weird, just because instead of having a name that makes sense they would rather have L6GZ because it is four letters. If someone wants to believe that their name is og I could care less, but it’s funny to troll them and say all names are equally rare because there can only be one of each.
    What would you say is the highest someone could put reach and lowest someone can put velocity before it starts getting blatant?

    Also what do you use on your main for Hypixel?
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    A cheater’s ability to come out on top every time, by getting in chip damage with reach hits and avoiding the void with velocity, becomes more and more apparent when you are fighting a large team that is more likely to win because of how much a numbers advantage matters on hypixel. 3/4
    For that reason, a large amount of players can make cheats less noticeable, but fighting a large number of players that are all teamed on you can make cheats more noticeable. For that reason, I think 3.3 reach and 90 velo is pretty safe, as you are still subject to that luck element I mentioned before. 4/4
    I’ve never thought of it that way, the luck factor does make sense in other ways since I started going blatant on my main 24/7 and the only ban I got was for boosting which I could’ve easily avoided.

    Thank you for the responses!
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    Reactions: Alexx
    What’s your opinion on forum trolls?
    There are trolls and then there are "trolls". People who just respond to legitimate questions with kys are annoying. However, if someone is being braindead, it is ok to berate them with vulgar slurs.
    This is reminiscent of a conversation between two AIs. I love it.
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    (我们的) You have lost all social credit! Bad job citizen, bad ! ! ! You've been ban from the CCP, and shall be publically executed. Report to nearest police station for punishment! Failure to comply will result in immediate execution of nearest family member. Very bad! Glory to the CCP!
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