The problem with vape forums... + HYPIXEL BYPASS MINI GUIDE

VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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yeah. even 3.3 feels like im high ngl if ur skilled or at least decnt like me stick to 3.2-3.3. i dont use ac or reach anymore only esp.
I only use ac and visuals which I do pretty well with, even though I don't play a lot atm.


New Member
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nobody that is active on these forums knows shit about hypixel anticheat or ban system and when people ask for advice they give the most half assed settings like 3.2 reach

as someone who used to create godly configs on all client's with my own methods and bypasses including recreating respawn fly in 2022 (AFTER THE FIRST PATCH), I cringe every time I open these forums where people are waffling about anything and everything while not knowing shit and giving shit advice for social cred and reputation points.


Horiz Velocity ( don't touch vertical ) you can main 65 H 100 V velocity on your main if above 100ms with no issues, for low ms I recommend 75 H 100 V

Keepsprint (Yes you can main this for some reason, also bypass's MMC)

Legit aura (DO NOT BLOCKHIT, TO BYPASS BLOCKING/AUTOBLOCK WITH AUTOBLOCK YOU NEED NOSLOW WHICH VAPE'S NOSLOW DOES NOT BYPASS) you can main this on main accounts, just set angle to 75 degrees

Legit scaffold ( any settings )

Safewalk ( to stop blocks from ghosting you need to jump every 7 blocks )

Visuals ( obviously )

Autoclicker ( obviously )

Reach - if you're above 100ms you can use 3.5+ on your main with no issues

===EASY BAN===

Hitboxes ( patched fully )

Autoblock ( Patched due to WD update which flags if you blockhit and hit someone at the same time with ka (BYPASS'S WITH NOSLOW BUT VAPE NOSLOW IS DOG))

Noslow (Bypass's ONLY IF you don't jump ( retarded )


idk what else to add lmk if you're wondering if X bans or if X is safe

What about the chance for velocity?? I usually use 30-50% water check on.