safe semi blatant settings for blocksmc



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Vape user
Apr '22
(these settings are really more blatant than semiblatant but I have used them for months)

Staff are braindead on that server though in my experience these settings will not get you banned (unless you’re stupid with them)

aimassist: literally anything, but I’ve been staff banned for killaura when using really high settings

autoclicker: literally anything just don’t go really high

reach: 3.3-3.7 no checks has lasted me months

velo: in my experience going under 30 horizontal gets you anticheat banned

killaura (blatant aura): 16-20 aps, 4 swing range 3.6 attack range, 120 fov, 1 max targets, 300 ms switch delay. for checks you really can use whatever

also I’m not the best with configuring KA but these settings have worked for me without a problem

some other recommendations for modules:
you can bind keepsprint to the same key as killaura and jump around with it for a sort of bhop, though this may get you staff banned if you use it frequently

speed mode anticheat a and bhop both bypass for me, but don’t hold your sword out blocked as noslow (at least on vape) does not bypass

hope this helps