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1. Autobypass. I know @Dismissive has said about this one, It would be great for using on Hypixel etc just so you don't get banned and it keeps updating to bypass. also servers like Badlion this would be helpful on as of right now I use reach 3.0-3.3 on badlion and velocity at 91% horizontal because someone bypassed the latest judgement day using that.

2. I personally am a Hypixel Ranked Skywars masters division player (cheater obviously) and I find sometimes I go a little too blatant as I have seen recordings of me. I think maybe you could add like a custom profile thing where we take a profile (pre built by devs) for each server. So the idea is Devs make custom profiles for us saying that this will not most likely get us banned on this gamemode, this server etc based on the new anticheat updates and staff spectating.
You could determine some of this by just looking at Kam7's leaks of staff spectating and hypixel staff ban rules. (Links below).
(Moderators perspective of spectating a suspected cheater)
(How the staff punish on hypixel)

Hope these features get added as they will help a lot.