does vape lite bring out strings in process hacker

VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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Vape user
Jan '20
Wtf im not joking, just search strings for javaw, type vape and appears 2 strings named vape lite i wanna die fr
Hm, thats so weird! Thank you for letting me know, you obviously have an extensive knowledge of how strings work. I wonder why ss tools don't just ban for the strings "vape" and "vape lite"?
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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Vape user
Jan '20
At no point did I say there was in-depth knowledge of screenshare, your mistake in assuming this with your arrogance rather than treating it as a genuine doubt. Because the "vape lite" instances accompanied terms such as "sync config" and among other vape things. If this instance disappears with the self destruct okay I'm a clown, but if they don't disappear, how to proceed?
Thank You.
Strings can appear in javaw in a variety of ways. If you type "vape lite" in your minecraft chat, it will be there. The javaw process also contains weird vape websites for some reason like bananavapes. No ss tool flags the string "vape lite" because it isnt a valid detection.