Obviously it is undetectable but lets say someone use it pretty blatantly all the time (always going after invis people, hidden people and such) would they get banned? Its quite obvious if you pay close attention when someone is using esp and doesn't try to hide it but would that alone be enough to get you banned?
This is assuming staff checks replays/spectates, is this likely? Probably not. I have gotten spectated once when cheating on an alt but lets just say they check replays and such, would it be enough for a ban?.
Im just curious, not worried about it myself as I rarely blatantly go after invis people.
This is assuming staff checks replays/spectates, is this likely? Probably not. I have gotten spectated once when cheating on an alt but lets just say they check replays and such, would it be enough for a ban?.
Im just curious, not worried about it myself as I rarely blatantly go after invis people.