Bring Back .jar vape


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ok, so if i understand, your telling me that the reason vape is not on mac is because of the launcher. But if we view another popular client, it works for mac. Same for alot of the other clients out there. What would you mean by the launchers fault though?


Retired Customer Support
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ok, so if i understand, your telling me that the reason vape is not on mac is because of the launcher. But if we view another popular client, it works for mac. Same for alot of the other clients out there. What would you mean by the launchers fault though?
The actual code that Vape runs on only runs on Windows. Even if we were to pack up all the hacks that we wrote for Vape and just put them in a .jar, it'd cause a lot of issues and wouldn't be a seamless conversion. It is not worth our time to reprogram such a massive project for so little of our customer base.
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