Automatic nick checker (Hypixel)


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I think adding a module to where you automatically type /w (username) to check every player in the lobby you join, would prove to be effective to tell if there's Nick's in your lobby. When someone is nicked, and you /w (their username) it will come up with a message such as "Can't find anyone with the name (username)." and if it's a real player, it usually says something like "You cannot message this player". My idea is adding a module that automatically does this process for you, and then tells you who is nicked based off the players that gave you the "Can't find anyone with the name (username)" message. I'm not entirely sure how this could be made, aside from somehow making an automatic chat macro everytime you join a lobby and then vape simplifies it and tells you the players that are nicked in chat or something. Just an idea, let me know what you think :) (Hypixel) Suggestion for vape v3 and vape lite


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good idea, I had the same idea but you clearly take the cake with the wording, hopefully this is possible. I don't think its possible for some reasons but i honestly dont know.


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Vape user
Nov '19
This would be a good feature, but I can see where some problems might occur.
For example, if you’re in a Mega Walls game or a UHC game, the client would have to message every single player in the game, which will no doubt cause some lag due to issuing the command all at once and on so many people.
Also, take this in consideration; half the players will not be nicked, and the client would just have to single-handedly message every player just to let you see which player is nicked/not nicked
I mean, just /msg them yourself, what’s so hard about that lol ;P


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This would be a good feature, but I can see where some problems might occur.
For example, if you’re in a Mega Walls game or a UHC game, the client would have to message every single player in the game, which will no doubt cause some lag due to issuing the command all at once and on so many people.
Also, take this in consideration; half the players will not be nicked, and the client would just have to single-handedly message every player just to let you see which player is nicked/not nicked
I mean, just /msg them yourself, what’s so hard about that lol ;P
No, I'm suggesting to automatically /w them, not /msg. But I understand your viewpoint, thanks for sharing. :D I'm a lazy guy lol that's why I was suggesting this haha