AstralMC safe configs


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AC -> 12.6 - 16.2 Extra+ Blockhit Manual
Hit Select [Active] 25%
FakeLag [Latency 80ms]
AntiBot [remove]

so far i am liking this config and it doesn't seem to ban. I randomly got disconnected in the middle of a fight it says i was moved to channel disconnected and they send me to the hub. im not sure if this was staff or just a random lagspike maybe due to the fake lag, but this wasn't a ban. Alright now we know that the config above is safe im going to test some other things out. Lets start with backtrack low setting.

I am going to add a little bit of latency based backtrack. I think i should start testing with 15-30 to see if theres any noticable advantage. This should in theory not flag the reach check but theres still a chance if the AC is very very good. Okay so my config now looks like this:

AC -> 12.6 - 16.2 Extra+ Blockhit Manual
Hit Select [Active] 25%
FakeLag [Latency 80ms]
BackTrack [Lag based 15-30] render checked is purely visual and optional.
AntiBot [remove]

Okay i am going to run this until i get banned and tell you how long it takes. okay so the backtrack bans in 30 seconds lmao.


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so basically first config seems safe for the most part - lasted atleast 30 minutes before turning on the backtrack that i believe to have caused the ban. It seems like a lot of astral+ people are cheating on there so i need recommendations to improve the first config.
edit: I am using jump reset on 60% and rocking people lmao. no ban!
edit2: had to turn the ac up a bit to get better reduction! im rocking the bots now
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