
  1. R

    Sumo ws config please

    Hey i am looking for a sumo ws config and idc if i get banned but i would like to hit a 1500 ws before the ban thank you for reading this My ping is 106
  2. bigimeow

    sumo settings for ws

    going for ws 120-130 ms max aim assist 16-20 ac with hit select velo 60 60 100(idk if lowering vertical will get me banned) reach 3.1 3.3 I'm insecure about velo i think the rest is fine
  3. A

    Request: Classic duel settings

    i get like 25-50 ping but i use beanernet so it looks like im from africa i need settings that will win me every game without a staff or watchdog ban theres a guy named 30RIP who got a 430 winstreak in like 5 hours and he hasnt been banned so i want what ever the fuck hes using Also how much kb...