
  1. B

    any way to use silentaura on mmc and not get banned

    just curious if anyone has settings that are safe on mmc, i used the "RavenSS" profile (someone else mentioned it somewhere forget where) and got my alt banned after like 30 minutes. is it possible to use it on mmc and not get banned or nah?
  2. Trininity

    Safe mmc settings

    Ive just been never been banned on mmc and these are my settings they dont flag (it doesnt matter if u use v4 or lite) Autoclicker 14-20 cps extra rando break blocks inventory fill Aimassist 60 speed 0-4 blocks 120 angle targeting options fov Throwpot 33 delay
  3. H

    best config for mmc this summer? Feel like their anti cheat got unbeatable

    Help me out guys
  4. Kalvin

    good semi legit settings for mmc

    title, i want something i go without getting banned shit on kids with vape v4 no backtrack that shit got me banned on my main now i gotta wait 30d so pls send me good cfgs i wanna semi legit / rage nothing that flags to staff or gets me manual review if thats a thing pls send ur best cfgs ❤...
  5. F

    Style Module

    Vape edition: Vape v4 Suggestion Description: In a lot of gamemodes, especially boxing, people will flick their camera in another direction then back after hitting the person they're comboing. I propose a module that does this automatically. Possible settings: Chance: chance of flicking camera...
  6. R

    (requesting) modern mc 1.16.5 config

    anyone have MMC 1.16.5 config with aura crit settings?
  7. R


    i got banned on mmc with ac 16.5 / 19.4 extra cps, anyone have settings?
  8. Merryzz

    CLOSET & BLATANT VAPE CONFIGS 2024 (Hypixel, MMC, Polar...)

    All of my configs will be updated on Vape's public profiles section from now on. Feel free to ask me anything about modules & settings, we can use forums as a discuss section. If you don't know about new public profiles, its added with the v4.14 update, i've made a video showcasing it Vape...
  9. NiceClick_

    MMC Settings vape v4

    AutoClick: 10 - 14 cps random. extra AimAsisst: Vertical: 10 Horizontal: 10 max ang; 200 Distance: 4 blocks SilentAura: Aim speed 10 attacks p second: 8 - 14cps Velocity: 40% - jump reset FakeLag: transmission offset: 20 - Delay 200ms dynamic (i have 160ms) NoJumpDelay: ON Im using this config...
  10. UwUisannoying

    Settings for MMC (8-20MS)

    Autoclicker: 15-18 Extra Randomization Aim Assist: 7.5H, 4V, 3.4 Blocks Hit Select: Active W Tap: 60 & 180 (Ik it's cringe but i have join problems that make W tapping rly hard) Sprint Scaffold: 75-100ms, Require Sneak: On ESP: 3D I have some other stuff that im just forgetting rn
  11. SussyPotion

    mmc settings for asia/eu

    from what i've heard MMC NA anti cheat is really strong what about asia and eu? what reach and velo settings can i get away with on those regions
  12. N

    mmc config builduhc

    I'm looking for a legit/blatant config for BuildUHC on mmc Ping:80-90 ms thanks
  13. JEEZYZ

    MMC NO BAN CONFIG 06-14-23

    I have more than 18 duels with this configuration.
  14. SpoilerRules

    Anti-Combo on MMC

    Is the Anti-Combo setting of Velocity undetected on Minemen Club?
  15. C

    Mineman.Club AutoClicker Settings

    Hello everyone, I’m looking for updated auto clicker settings for Since vape v4 has extra+ randomization feature. I wonder if I can safely turn up my clicker from 14-20 to something like 17-20 or maybe above max 20 cps without the risk of getting banned since I’m planning to use it...
  16. rawk

    config V4 MINEMEN

    hello, I would like to know a good config for minemen NA, whoever has it please send me xD use; 18 CPS Reach; 3.3 Aim I wanted to know if I can use something else besides these or if they have better settings for mode Gapple nodebuff :)
  17. pqzyy

    help me for video please

    yo anyone know of some common vape myths for a video kinda like "you can't inject into 1.19" and stuff like that ill credit you ofc
  18. SonThanh

    Vape and Minemenclub

    is it safe to cheat on MMC ? since i heard Vape owner (Manthe Industries LLC) also own MMC so i think they have some kind of way to detect a user is using Vape right ?
  19. prztkvapelite

    velocity settings for server mmc?

    as in the title, I am looking for the velocity settings. my current settings are Horizontal 90% Vertical 100% Chance 90% Only when targeting on Water check off Anti-Combo on Air Only on combo Amount 1hits Kite mode off
  20. kms

    Can I use AimAssist on MMC? And if so what settings do I use (Vape V4)
