
  1. dylan555

    what does hitselect do

    wtf does hitselect even do i never tried it and i dont wanna try it cause im not tryna risk shi
  2. H

    hitselect active

    what is hitselect active actually doing? clientside it just looks like swinging but is serverside different? what is vape actually doing to alter hits
  3. Neki

    Hit select in killaura

    Vape edition (Vape v4, Vape Lite, etc): Vape v4 Suggestion Description: Hit select in KillAura Video Reference (Not required):
  4. Bypassed

    Hitselect sub-option within Autoclicker module only supported on V4

    Is there any known reason it isn't within lite as well? V4 recently has it and I wanted to try the same thing on lite but it isn't there.