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  1. plexislucky

    Best kinda legit settings with reach and aimasist

    3.0-3.2 should be fine for most anticheats, if youre really paranoid use 3.0-3.1
  2. plexislucky

    aim assist speed

    you can pretty much use anything but if you feel like its too blatant you should turn it down a bit
  3. plexislucky

    is this config unbannable?

    yeah ur good, you can probably also toggle up to 3.1-3.3 if youre trying to clutch or something but honestly the difference isnt that huge so i doubt you'll even want to.
  4. plexislucky

    Scaffold issue

    look i know this isnt the answer you were looking for but please for the love of god do not use godbridge or tellybridge. they probably flag on most half-decent anticheats and its not worth using them anywhere (maybe bridging servers) even if they dont.
  5. plexislucky

    is 3.1 - 3.3 reach safe (hyp bedwrs)

    i didnt get banned in the last banwave for 4.2 so id guess ur good
  6. plexislucky

    is 3.1 - 3.3 reach safe (hyp bedwrs)

    its safe, with your ping you can even go up to 3.2-3.5 without risking, wouldnt go higher tho
  7. plexislucky

    does blocksmc still use verus?

    i mean i already have a general idea i was just kinda curious cuz i heard like a million years ago that they were "switching anticheats"
  8. plexislucky

    Macro priority suggestions.

    certainly not getting clapped by anyone who doesnt know how to fucking hotkey LOL
  9. plexislucky

    Macro priority suggestions.

    "why are you using autoclicker when you can click by yourself" funny thing i actually did stop autoclicking once i realised this, some things you just shouldnt depend on a client for
  10. plexislucky

    does blocksmc still use verus?

  11. plexislucky

    Minecraft crash before injecting

    oh so basically its lunar but instead of paying to have down's syndrome you can do it for free?
  12. plexislucky

    What reach setting is safe for hypixel now that reach got updated?

    how does it feel to be a walking durex advertisement
  13. plexislucky

    Macro priority suggestions.

    not my fault ur so dogshit at pvp that u cant click a button to switch items LOL
  14. plexislucky is where i bought mine, price is kinda steep but still cheap enough
  15. plexislucky

    vape v4 hertz lowered

    try using it on other 1.8.9 clients
  16. plexislucky

    dont use subscription services! just buy ur alts!
  17. plexislucky

    Can You Vape With Braces?

    how the fuck are people vaping if the smoke gets to their teeth before their throat lmfao
  18. plexislucky

    Semi blatant in main account

    on hypixel killaura, misplace, and hitboxes all started flagging somewhat iirc. however if u wanna turn ur reach up a bit nobodys stopping you
  19. plexislucky

    Vape lite

    why would u need this except for like maybe hunting one specific guy on pit