Why Drip Drip X Drip Lite is trash


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OK listen drip is trash i code myself so i coded an anitcheat with reach and velocity listeners so me and my friend who is also a coder we bought drip and its fucking trash my friend used 4 blocks of reach and got banned in 5 minutes (im not a god coder im decent) we get on vape use 4 blocks of reach,and my friend did not get banned.Drip is only getting fame from youtubers like adviser or idiol because they get a sponser and they say drip is better blablabla but again i coded a anticheat madea quick server and drip got my friend banned after a few hits and vape bypassed dont waist your time buying drip buy vape


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If vape wants to hire me to code bypasses no thanks ;)
LOL no one is hiring u ur a random
OK listen drip is trash i code myself so i coded an anitcheat with reach and velocity listeners so me and my friend who is also a coder we bought drip and its fucking trash my friend used 4 blocks of reach and got banned in 5 minutes (im not a god coder im decent) we get on vape use 4 blocks of reach,and my friend did not get banned.Drip is only getting fame from youtubers like adviser or idiol because they get a sponser and they say drip is better blablabla but again i coded a anticheat madea quick server and drip got my friend banned after a few hits and vape bypassed dont waist your time buying drip buy vape
drip and drip x are garbage
drip lite is pretty good
and obv 4 blocks will get u banned bruh like on any ac thats blatant asf