Whats the highest reach setting you can do when beaner.net is on?


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Have you already used beanernet yet?

Beanernet, according to my understanding, protect you from first/third person spectating (not first person actually in my experience, cuz I was hackuated much more when using beanernet only than using reach lol). So it basically makes you less blatant in the eyes of moderators.

You can use reach at setting in v3 you want without watchdog ban. However, your highest reach is 4.25 block in hypixel, any higher you get will be blocked (but not banned, according to my understanding) by No Cheat Plus.

But it’s not guaranteed undetectable. It might flag watchdog (or at least some anticheat) under some circumstances. Personally, my high profile main was watchdog banned the second day I used beanernet, which suggest (but not necessarily) beanernet is the reason.