Vape Rewrite C++


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A lot of the current ghost clients on the market at marketed as “C++” and apparently that just makes the product more appealing for some reason. So I’m wondering if Manthe will ever decide to rewrite Vape Lite and Vape V3 (prob gonna take longer because more features) to Pure C/C++. I’ve heard from developers that C++ just makes it have less bugs and misplace is easier to be done in C++ than java or whatever Vape is coded in. Correct me if I’m wrong, not educated in the coding department. I know that Manthe won’t make a Vape V4 or anything like that so maybe this can be something’s that the dev team can work on?
VapeV4 VapeLite


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Vape user
Mar '18
A lot of the current ghost clients on the market at marketed as “C++” and apparently that just makes the product more appealing for some reason. So I’m wondering if Manthe will ever decide to rewrite Vape Lite and Vape V3 (prob gonna take longer because more features) to Pure C/C++. I’ve heard from developers that C++ just makes it have less bugs and misplace is easier to be done in C++ than java or whatever Vape is coded in. Correct me if I’m wrong, not educated in the coding department. I know that Manthe won’t make a Vape V4 or anything like that so maybe this can be something’s that the dev team can work on?
I thought vape was made in C++


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Vape user
Dec '15
Specifically branding something as "C++" is just a gimmick in order to make the product seem more "advanced" or appealing, I'm guilty of doing this myself 3 years ago for the first Vape, but that was the first non-java client so it was actually significant in a way at the time. But now it's just cringey whenever you see people branding anything that way.

Contrary to what you suggested, vape lite is made made with c++, we just don't brand it that way because it's redundant to mention, the end user could not care less about these things. And a important portion of what makes up vape v3 is also made using c++, but we also don't mention that because it's again completely redundant to mention, but most of the actual functionality is done in java since I'm not the only one who works on it, and it's about 3x faster to make anything that way.


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Oh, thanks for the clear explanation. Always have thought that vape was java with a c++ injector lol