Vape 1.19+ Version and Feature Additions



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Vape user
Apr '23
Vape edition (Vape v4, Vape Lite, etc): v4

Suggestion Description: Since vape is now fully focused as a ghost client and adding modules that cannot be patched why not add support for 1.19+ as well as some modules for it. Almost if not all of these modules are ghost modules that cannot be patched which fits in perfectly with manthes goal for the future of vape. I know that most of yall only play on 1.8.9 but I do think that 1.19+ is rising in popularity and also vape would be the first big and well known client to step into this version.

Autoclicker/TriggerBot-Would work as a auto clicker for this version.

MiddleClickPearl-When middle mouse button is pressed it hotkeys over and automatically launches a pearl.

LegitAutoTotem-When totem is popped it would automatically equip one if in hotbar or go into inventory quickly and equip it as well as if enabled fill hotbar slot with totem. Would have a offhand and non-offhand option where one would put it in the offhand and the other would just hold it (would automatically hold the totem when at a certain health).

FastExp-Like fastplace for eggs/snowballs but would work for exp to throw it down faster.

AutoCobweb-One of the more out-there ideas but when looking at the blocks below a opponent (would have a way to customize fov) it would automatically swap to cobwebs and attempt to place them below the opponent.

AutoCrystal/AutoAnchor-Pretty self explanatory it would automatically place/break crystals and also automatically place/fill a anchor with glowstone.

AutoShieldBreaker-When looking at a shield it would automatically swap to a axe and swing to break the shield.

PeacefulMining-Not sure if it is detectable but makes it so you can mine through entities (example would be you and another player in a 1x1 and you could just mine through the player)

CrystalOptimizer-When you break a crystal you must wait for the server to return that the crystal was removed before placing another crystal in that spot. What this optimizer does it it skips that requirement and just removes the end crystal entity when you break it (also reduces the effect ping/server lag has on crystalling).)

NoHurtCam-Just useful to have in vape especially in cpvp.

BetterCrystalRender-Simply removes the end crystal explosion effect that can block your view sometimes.

HotbarRestock-If a stack of item in your hotbar isnt full and you have more in your inventory then next time you open your inv it will automatically move the items to fill up the stack in your hotbar.

Video Reference (Not required): Not required
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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Vape user
May '22
Vape edition (Vape v4, Vape Lite, etc): v4

Suggestion Description: Since vape is now fully focused as a ghost client and adding modules that cannot be patched why not add support for 1.19+ as well as some modules for it. Almost if not all of these modules are ghost modules that cannot be patched which fits in perfectly with manthes goal for the future of vape. I know that most of yall only play on 1.8.9 but I do think that 1.19+ is rising in popularity and also vape would be the first big and well known client to step into this version.

Autoclicker/TriggerBot-Would work as a auto clicker for this version.

MiddleClickPearl-When middle mouse button is pressed it hotkeys over and automatically launches a pearl.

LegitAutoTotem-When totem is popped it would automatically equip one if in hotbar or go into inventory quickly and equip it as well as if enabled fill hotbar slot with totem. Would have a offhand and non-offhand option where one would put it in the offhand and the other would just hold it (would automatically hold the totem when at a certain health).

FastExp-Like fastplace for eggs/snowballs but would work for exp to throw it down faster.

AutoCobweb-One of the more out-there ideas but when looking at the blocks below a opponent (would have a way to customize fov) it would automatically swap to cobwebs and attempt to place them below the opponent.

AutoCrystal/AutoAnchor-Pretty self explanatory it would automatically place/break crystals and also automatically place/fill a anchor with glowstone.

AutoShieldBreaker-When looking at a shield it would automatically swap to a axe and swing to break the shield.

PeacefulMining-Not sure if it is detectable but makes it so you can mine through entities (example would be you and another player in a 1x1 and you could just mine through the player)

CrystalOptimizer-When you break a crystal you must wait for the server to return that the crystal was removed before placing another crystal in that spot. What this optimizer does it it skips that requirement and just removes the end crystal entity when you break it (also reduces the effect ping/server lag has on crystalling).)

NoHurtCam-Just useful to have in vape especially in cpvp.

BetterCrystalRender-Simply removes the end crystal explosion effect that can block your view sometimes.

HotbarRestock-If a stack of item in your hotbar isnt full and you have more in your inventory then next time you open your inv it will automatically move the items to fill up the stack in your hotbar.

Video Reference (Not required): Not required
VapeV4 VapeLite


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As long as specific bypasses aren't needed I don't see why there could be something like a silent autototem too.


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FastExp-Like fastplace for eggs/snowballs but would work for exp to throw it down faster.

BetterCrystalRender-Simply removes the end crystal explosion effect that can block your view sometimes.

HotbarRestock-If a stack of item in your hotbar isnt full and you have more in your inventory then next time you open your inv it will automatically move the items to fill up the stack in your hotbar.
whitelist exp on rightclicker
turn off explosions in your animations video settings
toggle autohotbar


Social Credit
Vape edition (Vape v4, Vape Lite, etc): v4

Suggestion Description: Since vape is now fully focused as a ghost client and adding modules that cannot be patched why not add support for 1.19+ as well as some modules for it. Almost if not all of these modules are ghost modules that cannot be patched which fits in perfectly with manthes goal for the future of vape. I know that most of yall only play on 1.8.9 but I do think that 1.19+ is rising in popularity and also vape would be the first big and well known client to step into this version.

Autoclicker/TriggerBot-Would work as a auto clicker for this version.

MiddleClickPearl-When middle mouse button is pressed it hotkeys over and automatically launches a pearl.

LegitAutoTotem-When totem is popped it would automatically equip one if in hotbar or go into inventory quickly and equip it as well as if enabled fill hotbar slot with totem. Would have a offhand and non-offhand option where one would put it in the offhand and the other would just hold it (would automatically hold the totem when at a certain health).

FastExp-Like fastplace for eggs/snowballs but would work for exp to throw it down faster.

AutoCobweb-One of the more out-there ideas but when looking at the blocks below a opponent (would have a way to customize fov) it would automatically swap to cobwebs and attempt to place them below the opponent.

AutoCrystal/AutoAnchor-Pretty self explanatory it would automatically place/break crystals and also automatically place/fill a anchor with glowstone.

AutoShieldBreaker-When looking at a shield it would automatically swap to a axe and swing to break the shield.

PeacefulMining-Not sure if it is detectable but makes it so you can mine through entities (example would be you and another player in a 1x1 and you could just mine through the player)

CrystalOptimizer-When you break a crystal you must wait for the server to return that the crystal was removed before placing another crystal in that spot. What this optimizer does it it skips that requirement and just removes the end crystal entity when you break it (also reduces the effect ping/server lag has on crystalling).)

NoHurtCam-Just useful to have in vape especially in cpvp.

BetterCrystalRender-Simply removes the end crystal explosion effect that can block your view sometimes.

HotbarRestock-If a stack of item in your hotbar isnt full and you have more in your inventory then next time you open your inv it will automatically move the items to fill up the stack in your hotbar.

Video Reference (Not required): Not required
Nice1 bro, but i also wanna add my suggestion which is the auto hit when full attack indicator, so that would be so easy with aim assist + crit hits


Active Member
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Vape user
Apr '23
Nice1 bro, but i also wanna add my suggestion which is the auto hit when full attack indicator, so that would be so easy with aim assist + crit hits
Ah good idea and maybe a legit jump critical thing where when you jump it automatically taps w so u can always land crits.


Social Credit
Ah good idea and maybe a legit jump critical thing where when you jump it automatically taps w so u can always land crits.
Yeah, overall i can see that we have tons of ideas to combine into a client. Now lets wait for the updates 😀👍🏻


Active Member
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Vape user
Apr '23
Yeah, overall i can see that we have tons of ideas to combine into a client. Now lets wait for the updates 😀👍🏻
Lol hopefully I want some new updates that are more useful (not sayin friends update isnt useful but like......)


Social Credit
Lol hopefully I want some new updates that are more useful (not sayin friends update isnt useful but like......)
It would be nice to see something that's actually meant for 1.9 pvp since the only thing that is really made for it is perfect swing on kill aura...