|No Logs| MMC Vape lite Settings


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Okay so I am tired of seeing kids using like 3.1-3.4 and 85% velocity and complaining about getting banned. Agc detects velocity and reach so this is my no reach and velocity profile
UUID: 3b534812-1d47-4326-87a5-70d3353add10

Aim Assist:
Click Aim-On
Through Blocks-Off
Aim While On Target-On
Strafe Increase-On
Check block break-Off
Aim Vertically-Off (To keep some randomization on the Y-axis aim)

Horizontal Speed-48
Max Angle-90
Max Angle - Like 64
^ got this from some other post on the fourm because im to lazy to check mine, this should work

This is for left click, I dont recommend using right click but you can
CPS - 9-14
Blockhit - off
Use Item whitelist - Your choice
Inventory fill - not sure if it flags or not but your choice
Break blocks - Off
Extra randomization - Your choice, for less of a chance of flagging enable.

Velocity - Don't use, agc can detect 99%

Throwpot - around 75-80 ms, I don't use throwpot but you can,

Refill - Don't use

WTap - idfk whatever you want I don't use wtap

Sprint - on if you don't have a sprint mod

Reach: Don't use if you have < than 100 ping if you have greater than 100 ping you might be able to use 3.04-3.08

These setting should not flag you, sorry for bad formatting or whatever first time making a thread about settings.