My Hypixel Vape Settings (Semi-Blatant)


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Basically what I use on hypixel, doesn't get picked up by watchdog since it's shit. Reach may or may not get you banned if you get reported to a mod (depending on how retarded the mod is). But if you're really scared of that, just lower to 3.5-3.6 or something.
link provided in case image is too blurry or something lol
got to diamond easily two times before, currently in masters, have fun


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if you play ranked a lot(like me lol) i recommend turning reach down to 3.4 to 3.6, so you won't get onto Sk1ers catching hackers series


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AND IM ASKING YOU, HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTING CALLED OUT, READ. I don't care about using someone else's settings, I have my own.

You know what? Don't answer.
you asked me how i'm not banned, i said if people are scared of looking too obvious, then use 3.5 3.6, then you said it's too blatant (honestly i couldn't give less of a fuck what you think is blatant) so what is your point? also, i'm not going to fucking not answer because you told me to, so don't bother saying that


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Alright, you're special. I'll make my point in bold, red, text for you.

Anddddd this is why I told you not to reply, you have the comprehension level of a toddler, with a mentality of a surly 2nd grader. "AlSo, i'M NoT GoInG tO FuCkInG nOT AnSwEr bEcAuSE yOU ToLd mE To, sO DoN't bOtHeR SaYiNg tHaT." I was helping you out, you're the one who cannot read.

If you didn't "give less of a fuck" about what I think, you wouldn't continue with me, but you do. Anyone with any sense would know your shit is blatant, but that isn't even the point, you cannot read.

It isn't about what I "think" is blatant, it is along with hitboxes at 0.41. You're hitting someone almost 4 blocks away outside of their hitbox. And I'm just wondering if anyone has gotten your ass banned yet, that's all.

Yeah, damn right you just proved you're stupid, keep replying to me. I asked you "how are you not getting called out", and you said some other bullshit. IM ASKING ABOUT YOU, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR THREAD holy shit.



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Alright, you're special. I'll make my point in bold, red, text for you.

Anddddd this is why I told you not to reply, you have the comprehension level of a toddler, with a mentality of a surly 2nd grader. "AlSo, i'M NoT GoInG tO FuCkInG nOT AnSwEr bEcAuSE yOU ToLd mE To, sO DoN't bOtHeR SaYiNg tHaT." I was helping you out, you're the one who cannot read.

If you didn't "give less of a fuck" about what I think, you wouldn't continue with me, but you do. Anyone with any sense would know your shit is blatant, but that isn't even the point, you cannot read.

It isn't about what I "think" is blatant, it is along with hitboxes at 0.41. You're hitting someone almost 4 blocks away outside of their hitbox. And I'm just wondering if anyone has gotten your ass banned yet, that's all.

Yeah, damn right you just proved you're stupid, keep replying to me. I asked you "how are you not getting called out", and you said some other bullshit. IM ASKING ABOUT YOU, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR THREAD holy shit.