Is Hitboxes detectable in badlion?


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GCheat automatic banning detects most cheats but waits a while to see if you continue setting off the same alerts to avoid false positives like lag. Based on what I know about it I believe you can get away with cheating for 30 minutes, fighting legit for another 30 minutes, etc. I haven't tested this yet but on cubecore the other day it took about 1-1.5 hours for a cheater using kill aura, reach, reduced kb, and autopot to be GCheat banned. I think their system also relies a lot on reports - say you are setting off some alerts but nothing that 100% assures you cheating, having more reports while you set off these sketchy alerts will give you a higher percentage of being banned.

GCheat isn't amazing at positively detecting players using cheats, but the system they have set up is pretty smart. It's very hard for Minecraft anticheats to differ between false positive alerts and real cheating alerts.