i love when people argue that velocity chance can be detected on hypixel (TLDR AT BOTTOM)

VapeV4 VapeLite


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Multiple people say that chance flags so I'm gonna clear as to why I think its not true. A general rule is to not change your vertical velocity because its easily detected right? KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR LATER.

Read TLDR at the bottom if you don't want to read the details but you should anyways.

Horizontal knockback modifications aren't detected by watchdog simply because it isn't advanced enough to tell the difference between things like: Real kb, lag, cps, forward movement, etc. Unlike hacks like reach you can actually take less knockback through legitimate methods. For an example, you've probably seen people that drag click on those practice clutch servers take less kb because of the cps. cps is one way to take less kb for short periods of time. Another is general movement, I won't go too in depth with this because it gets complicated but here is the point.

Vertical modifications are easily detected BECAUSE YOU CANNOT LEGITIMATELY TAKE LESS VERTICAL KB. Watchdog can only detect vertical velocity because the things I mentioned above don't effect vertical velocity (unless the person is above you.) THE ONLY THING THAT COULD POSSIBLY EFFECT YOUR VERTICAL VELOCITY IS LAG. However it is easy for an anti cheat to tell the difference between just those 2 factors. Problem comes with horizontal velocity and how many things have to be taken into account to determine velocity.

The only way I think chance could be detected is if watchdog compared the values of knockback taken by the user. It doesn't do that.

If people were right that chance was actually flagging:

1. People would get banned for any velocity even with 100% chance. (especially if you didn't cheat on your account beforehand.)
2. My account would've been banned a long time ago (used chance for months)

TLDR: Point is, chance or horizontal velocity cannot be detected because watchdog isn't advanced enough to determine the difference between the factors I have mentioned above that can modify your velocity without hacks (unlike vertical velocity)

THIS IS JUST MY IDEA obviously I don't have the anti cheat code so I can't say for certain, I could easily be wrong on the detection methods. I don't think I'm wrong on the fact that it detects, I would've been banned a long time ago if it was. If you have a different idea let me know I would like to hear it.


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Well explained. 'Chance' in Velocity will more than likely never be flagged by Watchdog (unless something miraculous occurs) but it is more obvious to staff if you compare little knock back to all of a sudden more than usual.

When staff review your replays, they will more often than not look at your knock back with the consideration of your ping + CPS. For legitimate players their knock back is usually the same and pretty consistent apart from the odd lag spike. Thus, we recommend keeping 'chance' at 100% as it looks more legit and also has the biggest advantage on your game play. Along with using the right settings and having 'only when targeting' checked it is near impossible to get banned due to all the factors involved within vanilla Minecraft.

'Chance' is more viable when using semi-blatant to blatant configurations e.g. <75% but you would still like to remain undetected to an extent (provided that you have high ping and look like another laggy player). However, I do remember that people in the past used to use 'chance' to specifically match their horizontal velocity.

Once again, this is just my personal opinion and what I recommend to others. I am totally open to hear what others have to say on this matter... this topic can go quite in depth if you are nerdy enough.