Bow Aimbot?


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I think V3 could use a Bow Aimbot. - I'm going to try to explain stuff here so excuse my grammar

I understand - it's really difficult if not impossible to code a very well bow aimbot, but in my opinion the one in V2 wasn't so bad, and maybe the devs could improve it.
I just think a bow aimbot could really help for those who are ass with a bow.

Some features it could use: (some of them are in V2 so you most likely recognize them)
  • Show Target
Copy the same effect in Kill Aura, where it puts a red box around the target.

  • Range
How far Bow Aimbot will target a player.
There would be a slider of distance, like there is with Tracers' 'Distance Check' option.

  • Closest
Bow Aimbot will target the closest target. if target is unchecked. they cannot be both checked. if you enable this - target is disabled; and vice versa

  • Speed
This is basically like the Aim Assist speed modifier, this would modifiy how fast your head would move towards the target.
There would be a slider to perfer how fast you want it to lock onto target.

  • Auto Shoot
This should be self-explantory, this was a module for itself on V2 so you can guess what it does.

Auto Shoot releases bow as soon as Bow Aimbot catches a player.
(Note: this was pretty buggy on V2 though, this was really only useful in my opinion to close-fight bowspams. hoping it can be improved!)

  • Target
I find this a little hard to explain, but, if you are fighting someone and they are running, and you don't have any pearls or anything, you want to bow them and kill them.
However, Bow Aimbot might target someone else.
To fix this - there's "Target".
I'm not sure if this is codable, but this is what it does:

When you're fighting someone, bow aimbot takes into account who you're fighting. It will target the last person you've fought with, until they are out of range - or you fight someone else.

Here's an example of where it could be useful:

On Hypixel's BUHC 2v2 duels, usually you go for someone and your teammate goes for the other, or you just 2v1.
You got one of them to 1 heart, and the other one is pretty much full health.

The one on 1 heart, is running away. you obviously want to eliminate them before they eat gapples. (if they're dumb and don't know about heads which is pretty much 40% of people who play it from my experience)
So - Target will target that player instead of his teammate.

Here's another example.
On Hypixel's The Pit, there is a thing called a Bounty which is achieved when a player has a high streak.

If you have a bounty, and someone kills you - they get a spesific amount of gold.
the higher your streak is, the higher the bounty(most of the times). A bounty can cap up to 5000g(5k gold).

There is a perk called Bounty Hunter, which allows the user to do +1%dmg/100g bounty on bountied-players.
This means, if I have a 2000g worth of bounty, and someone is using the Bounty Hunter perk, they are doing an additional +20% dmg in every attack to me.

So, here's a situation where it would be useful:
I am Bounty-Hunting someone with a 5000g worth of bounty. I'm obviously, going to do so much damage on them.

However since people want gold, other people are going for his bounty aswell.
I got him really low, but now he's running and other people are chasing him. - I clearly don't want to target the other players.. because he will most likely get away if he is smart.

But - I'm using Bow Aimbot with Target enabled, so since I tagged that bountied player to be my Bow Aimbot target, my bow is going to focus him.

I'm sorry for the long explanation on this one- just really wanted to make it clear what it does. I hope this is even something they could do because it'd be pretty cool.

I'm not sure if this is true, (or even doable) but I heard somewhere that a client had an OP Bow Aimbot that could target players when the arrow is not even aiming at them.
If this could be added to Blatant Mode, this would be so much fun.

Thanks if you made it this far, and let me know what you think - if this is useful or not, if you'd like to see it or not, if my suggested features could help!


Retired Customer Support
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Bow aimbots kind of suck because no matter what we do we can't predict movement if the player/target is moving erratically. Unless the person you're shooting is a legitimate retard and just runs in a straight line, bow aimbot isn't going to work too great on them.


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@James the V2 bowaimbot was a legend. I loved it, just use V2 when you play on servers like hypixel, badlion etc