Best Client Similar to V3?

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I have really enjoyed vape v3 and lite for a long time however I feel they just dont care about their client anymore. Nametags still has a glitch with leaves being transparent. The KA isnt smooth. Not to mention half of the players are invis. Anyone got good alternatives to vape for around $20 or less? Im sorry just fed up ive legit bought both clients lifetime for better clients to be released cheaper.


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I have really enjoyed vape v3 and lite for a long time however I feel they just dont care about their client anymore. Nametags still has a glitch with leaves being transparent. The KA isnt smooth. Not to mention half of the players are invis. Anyone got good alternatives to vape for around $20 or less? Im sorry just fed up ive legit bought both clients lifetime for better clients to be released cheaper.
Okay so the points that you have addressed aren't really that valid in proving that Vape isn't a good client.

First of all, Vape is meant to be a ghost client, meaning the core of the client revolves around the "Combat" section of the client, Aim Assist, Reach, Autoclicker, Sprint, Velocity, W-Tap. The blatant features such is Killaura are really just add-ons to the client, as they are really blatant and more likely to get you banned. If you are feeling discontent with their Killaura you can report any issues you have to

Second, the issue of nametags and players being invisible is not coming from Vape, that is how the packets being sent from the server are being interpreted. If you are specifically referring to Hypixel, they did something to their anticheat which messes with how your client perceives the information. I have found that having "AntiBot" turned OFF may solve the issue though.

Honestly, just stick with the client. These are minor bugs and glitches that the developer team are eventually going to fix. It might take some time but these guys do have a life outside of Vape as well.


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Okay so the points that you have addressed aren't really that valid in proving that Vape isn't a good client.

First of all, Vape is meant to be a ghost client, meaning the core of the client revolves around the "Combat" section of the client, Aim Assist, Reach, Autoclicker, Sprint, Velocity, W-Tap. The blatant features such is Killaura are really just add-ons to the client, as they are really blatant and more likely to get you banned. If you are feeling discontent with their Killaura you can report any issues you have to

Second, the issue of nametags and players being invisible is not coming from Vape, that is how the packets being sent from the server are being interpreted. If you are specifically referring to Hypixel, they did something to their anticheat which messes with how your client perceives the information. I have found that having "AntiBot" turned OFF may solve the issue though.

Honestly, just stick with the client. These are minor bugs and glitches that the developer team are eventually going to fix. It might take some time but these guys do have a life outside of Vape as well.

VapeV4 VapeLite


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The similar to vape v3 is drip, but vape v3 has more stuff than drip