Autoclicker in Vape V3


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Hey everyone,
At the time I'm posting this, I'm having an issue with the autoclicker module in the most recent Vape V3. What happens is whenever I hold right click (I know my controls are reversed), it clicks fast but doesn't allow me to break any blocks. I remember a semi-working feature in Vape V2 where you could check a box that would allow you to break blocks while your autoclicker is enabled. This only worked sometimes as it is. Do you know of an alternative to this so I can break blocks? If I could suggest two things for future versions of Vape, they would be:
1. Adding the Jitter option back into Vape V3
2. Adding a less-buggy break-block option into Vape V3 (Or V4)

I know this post probably won't get much recognition but I hope to see this in the future. Overall, though, great client!