120 ping hypixel main settings


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Autoclicker 8.2 - 12.8 extra+ random. this setting gives you a combo advantage but doesn't reduce velocity as much as higher settings would. I use this on main and like the balance it provides.
Aim Assist [HS - 6.7, 75A, 3.8D first four checkboxes checked.] again going for balance here not too snappy but good enough to keep you on target.
HitSelect active 33%.
Velocity. okay we have some options here that bypass with no risk of ban but we cant go crazy with the replay system in place.
91h 100v any chance% is so safe until theres an anticheat update which could be tomorrow or could be never nobody really knows. If you want to go lower h you have to go lower chance to offset it. so like if you go down to 88%h you would want to take away a good bit of chance. 88h 100v 78c is fine.
Antibot and Nametags are both on and customized because the pit is an anarchy gamemode.
for some reason people on here swear by 3.1 reach on hypixel but the people i see use it get banned along with other settings that could be at fault but for right now using reach is a risk and hitboxes flags.


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Vape user
Sep '23
Autoclicker 8.2 - 12.8 extra+ random. this setting gives you a combo advantage but doesn't reduce velocity as much as higher settings would. I use this on main and like the balance it provides.
Aim Assist [HS - 6.7, 75A, 3.8D first four checkboxes checked.] again going for balance here not too snappy but good enough to keep you on target.
HitSelect active 33%.
Velocity. okay we have some options here that bypass with no risk of ban but we cant go crazy with the replay system in place.
91h 100v any chance% is so safe until theres an anticheat update which could be tomorrow or could be never nobody really knows. If you want to go lower h you have to go lower chance to offset it. so like if you go down to 88%h you would want to take away a good bit of chance. 88h 100v 78c is fine.
Antibot and Nametags are both on and customized because the pit is an anarchy gamemode.
for some reason people on here swear by 3.1 reach on hypixel but the people i see use it get banned along with other settings that could be at fault but for right now using reach is a risk and hitboxes flags.
Can you send me your config UUID. I didn't understand what settings you said for aim assist


New Member
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Vape user
Feb '24
Autoclicker 8.2 - 12.8 extra+ random. this setting gives you a combo advantage but doesn't reduce velocity as much as higher settings would. I use this on main and like the balance it provides.
Aim Assist [HS - 6.7, 75A, 3.8D first four checkboxes checked.] again going for balance here not too snappy but good enough to keep you on target.
HitSelect active 33%.
Velocity. okay we have some options here that bypass with no risk of ban but we cant go crazy with the replay system in place.
91h 100v any chance% is so safe until theres an anticheat update which could be tomorrow or could be never nobody really knows. If you want to go lower h you have to go lower chance to offset it. so like if you go down to 88%h you would want to take away a good bit of chance. 88h 100v 78c is fine.
Antibot and Nametags are both on and customized because the pit is an anarchy gamemode.
for some reason people on here swear by 3.1 reach on hypixel but the people i see use it get banned along with other settings that could be at fault but for right now using reach is a risk and hitboxes flags.
I got banned the other day for reach on 200ping , best to avoid it in my opinion