ziblacking settings release

  1. M

    Bug new theme

    I have a openGL bug
  2. Virox

    Good settings for Velt and MMC - Average ping about 160ms on Velt and 90ms on MMC (Vape v3)

    My ping on MMC is about 90ms. And my ping on Velt US is about 160ms. I'm a pretty good pvper and need undetectable settings for these servers, thank you.
  3. H

    Undetectable Settings For GOOD Players (V3-V2)

    Theese are my personal settings that i have been using for months now. They should bypass all anticheats includes minemen club, they are also good for hypixel ranked and whatever you want really. Thoose settings are for players that alredy pvp well without vape. They are also made for recording...