
  1. Appolon

    Add an Hypixel Auto Play

    Hypixel has a lot of command for play bedwars or sk, with a command packet you can automalty get send to another game and idk how to detect the end of a game (; solo: /play bedwars_eight_one 2v2: /play bedwars_eight_two 3v3: /play bedwars_four_three 4v4: /play bedwars_four_four /skywars solo...
  2. A

    Is it a good feature for the coming version

    I think vape lite(or vape v3) Should be added a feature like "All options I toggle will be turned off if I join another sever" It's useful for me because I usually forget turn off some options which may get ban on next server I join (Im sorry if there is any grammatical mistakes,I tried my best...
  3. DaBlyat

    Lite - Features To Add (+10)

    Global : Possibilty to bound module on Mouse Buttons like M1 M2 M3 M4 ... Possibility to share our profiles or download some of it and leave a like or dislike like on v3 Add a Legit Scaffold for bridging (Hypixel bedwars, funcraft rush...) with multiples types of bridging like...
  4. Anonymous27

    ¿Suggestions ignored? (Message for the developers)

    ☛ The creators of Vape , see the suggestions we give them? It is good that they comment on the suggestions that can be made, and those that do not. Or at least do something to make it look like "seen" I do not know if it's a lot to ask, but it would also be good if there are updates more often...