
  1. Skeppy

    Invadedlands.net Settings

    Reach: 3.15 - 3.35 AutoClicker: 9.7 - 13.9 NoFall: Anticheat ESP binded
  2. T


    I recently bought LIFETIME Drip Lite, thinking "Its a Private Client, for a beast of a price, it has to be real good right?" LIES. The Bot/Team check on aim-assist doesn't work, it constantly crashes injecting and it has minimal settings compared to Vape Lite. Just a warning, I wouldn't get it...
  3. I

    v3 or drip

    Ok I have seen alot of these posts but they dont fit my needs. I could either buy Vape V3 or Drip. Not Drip Lite or Drip X just the normal drip. Which one is better for screenshare, modules and bypasses.
  4. Lihtening

    Does vape lite have any close competitors in undetection?

    Although I have always preffered vape lite, I'm seeing more and more of these ghost clients that are trying to be the next vape. For example, drip lite, iridium, and the 10 million private clients. I see some people saying these are the absolute peak of undetection, and others saying they are...