
  1. zsomborakiraly

    CheatBreaker compatibility

    Since I use Cheatbreaker as my main client it would be really good if you could inject vape v4 into it.
  2. B

    vape lite sodium compatible

    I don't know if this is possible but make vape lite sodium compatible because I feel like this would solve a multitude of problems like being able to connect to versions higher than 1.16 and being able to use clients like lunar, labymod, ect.
  3. flushed


    any version apart from forge 1.7.10, forge 1.8.9 or forge 1.12.2 (v4 only) isnt officially supported, so you may or may not have successful injection based on a variety of factors. dont bother asking for help with unsupported clients. no one is going to help you out because the forums are being...
  4. H

    Does Vape work on 1.16.5?

  5. V

    Mac OSX

    I was wondering if you guys were ever gonna add compatibility for Mac OSX