
  1. S

    Vape Lite questions

    Hey, I was thinking abt purchasing vape lite instead of using vape v4 because I've heard that it has external ESP which is useful for recording. My question is if vape lite has chest esp, nametags and search that also have external options, I'm also wondering if vape lite has cheststeal. And if...
  2. S

    Chest stealer settings for main?

    Hi I was wondering how detectable chest stealer is and if it's safe to use on main, I wanted to use it for hypixel skywars/blitz. I don't mind a high delay I'm just slow at looting
  3. hiyabitch

    cheststeal broken

    i main jartex and pika as vape bypasses rly good. anyways. today i join jartex then skywars and for some reason cs doesnt work. im like alr a glitch in v 4.10 but just to be sure i go on singleplayer and try it there same thing. help asap?
  4. N


    Can someone explain how the cheststeal blacklist works because i tried putting the minecraft:<item> ID and just like for example gold_ingot but neither seem to work. Please help
  5. yanuze

    don't use chest steal at all on hypixel, it will get you banned.

    don't ever use cheststeal on hypixel and here's why. on my cheating girding account for hypixel, I've been banned for using cheststeal. I've used cheststeal with the delay of 105.0 to 175.0 I know this because I've gotten banned after opening a chest once.