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  1. P

    yo whats up

    i havent been here for a while, hows everyone doing. also hows the cheat doing, is it still good for hypixel blatant n closet n stuff .
  2. P


    What's the best site to buy alts and a vpn via paypal? Looking to go through like 5 accounts per hour via bhopping and stuff.
  3. P

    vape v4 injection failed request help!

  4. P

    Does anyone know how to use the friends tab to hide your name

    i added you as well, also have some questions
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    Does anyone know how to use the friends tab to hide your name

    i just started cheating again, last time i was cheating v3 was the newest thing out
  6. P

    Does anyone know how to use the friends tab to hide your name

    Used to work in v3 now doesn't work anymore or I'm missing something.. can someone please help
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    Legit alt shop with UFA stock

    I remember a few years ago you could get a ufa for only 45 cents... now they're charging 18$/per wtf
  8. P

    How to hide your username to be able to record.

    <username> [alias] so <alphafox> [alpha]
  9. P

    Chest Steal

    Chest steal has been broken on hypixel for around a year for me now. dont know if its my settings or its broken for everyone. basically chest steal will try to take the items from a chest and they would just get glitched back into the chest and this would repeat for a bit.
  10. P

    Keeps last modules used on

    Makes it, so your last used modules stay on when you inject it again. It can also be based on the config. For example, when you have scaffold, ka and antikb on and you save your config, the next time you load in your config, those are enabled.
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    How to hide your username to be able to record.

    use the <username> [alias] thing in the friends' column
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    Best settings to get diamond division in hypixel skywars (Vape v3)

    I was bhopping around using killaura on an account for a while on ranked and got to like 1.8k rating last year and I still haven't been banned
  13. P


    Someone should really make a discord community for vape users.
  14. P

    hyprocrites lmao

    Lmao this is so accurate tho
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    Help On Settings <3 <3

    I prefer holding my mouse down, isn't that what everyone does?..
  16. P

    ad's Settings Release - UNDETECTABLE

    What server is this meant for?
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    Web Client

    Add a webclient for vape. Apollo clicker added it and it looks sick asf
  18. P

    Duel Info
