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  1. hiyabitch

    sharing account

    how does vape know if someone shared their account?
  2. hiyabitch

    hypixel 130+ ping config

    what is the most blatant i can go without getting banned with 130+ ping. (i dont prefer modules from the blatant menu but still). also dont tell me to go other ppl's configs.
  3. hiyabitch

    error 3

    error 3 when saving. already contacted staff but ik here is faster
  4. hiyabitch

    recording settings

    a friend of mine cant make an account on the forums for some reason so he asked me this: how can i record videos and still looking legit (on video). he is also using vape lite.
  5. hiyabitch


  6. hiyabitch


    Vape edition: v4 vl Suggestion Description: add shift when jump option for a WAY more legit usage. raven has it so. Video Reference: no
  7. hiyabitch

    the pit config

    title also i don’t want to use ka but something blatant on main thanks and happy new year (almost)
  8. hiyabitch


    how to inject vape in cheatbreaker. i head if you have an older vape v4 version works (if so please send one)
  9. hiyabitch


    was wondering can i use 3.2 3.4 reach on main with 100+ ping or 3.2 3.3
  10. hiyabitch

    what reach is unbannable and always will

    title + something that will help me make good combos
  11. hiyabitch

    new autohotbar better

    basically instead of having to make a custom hotbar, make it like that: sword - slot 1 blocks - slot 2 etc
  12. hiyabitch

    bwhub settings no ban boxing

  13. hiyabitch

    aimassist hy

    hi yall wsg hope yall are having a nice day anyways. i want to cheat on hypixel. my settings are not even close to closet cheating because no reach,vel or other shit.this line will sound so fucking retarded but i use my friend's account and i want to get him 100 stars (im a 1k). its a lot of...
  14. hiyabitch

    Make invmanager better

    Make it like that: instead of having to choose individual items just follow rise client - sword- slot 1 Blocks- slot 2 etc. Please manthe do this its such a good job idea
  15. hiyabitch

    (about to get banned) invcleaner cleans my entire inv

    istg this is my 2nd thread manthe and mod man dont ban me i am a good person anyways inventory cleaner wipes out my entire inventory, tried everything help asap thanks
  16. hiyabitch

    cheststeal broken

    i main jartex and pika as vape bypasses rly good. anyways. today i join jartex then skywars and for some reason cs doesnt work. im like alr a glitch in v 4.10 but just to be sure i go on singleplayer and try it there same thing. help asap?
  17. hiyabitch

    no sync button

    title + photos on forge btw