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  1. H

    CLOSET & BLATANT VAPE CONFIGS 2024 (Hypixel, MMC, BlocksMC...)

    will i get ban for using 100-100 back track on hypixel? also 250, 5 fakelag? on around 90 ping
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    main settings

    is it safe to use 90h 100c velo 50-50 back track 24/7 and toggle on 100-100 back track 80h 100c velo when bed gone? on around 90 ping also what fake lag settings should i use?
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    CLOSET & BLATANT VAPE CONFIGS 2024 (Hypixel, MMC, BlocksMC...)

    hey merryzz can you explain hitselect and fake lag transmission offset? and what is the highest setting I can use on hypixel bedwars with ~80 ping without getting banned?
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    okay thanks what abt my other questions?
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    also which ones are ok to use
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    can someone explain hitselect? do i still need to use it if im a block hitter? also can someone give config for 75ms? highest i can use without getting banned
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    main safe settings

    rn im using 3.2 100% reach and 90% velo and 5 200 fake lag are these safe? and should i add hit select? what does that do???
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    fakelag & hit select safe?

    is fake lag and hit select ABSOLUTELY safe on hypixel? if so what settings? around 75 ms my settings rn is 3.2 reach, 90 velo, 16-20 ac and some aa, and legit scaffold.
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    can you explain what each of them do? i tried 5 offset and 1000ms and im just tping in replay
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    hey can you explain what offset and ms is? what will happen if I set them all to max?
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    can someone explain how fakelag works? and can someone give me a blatant setting that is safe from anit cheat and semi legit setting that doesnt look to sus
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    happy to see vape forms turning like this for those new here vape forms back in 2020-2021 are just filled with hard R, fa-, etc.
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    how do i get an account perm banned in hypixel

    hold on isnt cheating ban on high ban level a perm? cause low ban level cheating ban is 30d and medium ban level cheating ban is a year
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    Am I getting staffed or was there a watchdog update?

    keepsprint itself doesnt flag what flags is when you are sprint jumping and suddently block your sword it makes you move a little faster than normal
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    Am I getting staffed or was there a watchdog update?

    finally someone that understands, that shit bans
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    keepsprint bug

    your talking about noslow im talking about keepsprint
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    keepsprint bug

    Vape edition (Vape v4, Vape Lite, etc): v4 Suggestion Description: if you block your sword while sprinting it makes you faster then without having keepsprint on. got me banned on hypixel Video Reference (Not required):
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    hypixel baning system

    wait so for example charge back ban is 30 days and I'm already banned 30 days my ban will be increased to 60 days?
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    hypixel baning system

    for example im already cheating banned rn if I do something on my alt in skyblock that could get the whole profile banned can my main that is already banned get another ban?
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    hypixel baning system

    can you get ban again while banned?