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  1. X


    Is Labymod still considered forge? Just wondering cause when using the installer, you can choose to install the vanilla or forge version, and when using the forge based version it acts as if it’s a forge mod which you can then inject vape lite into. You can launch with a normal forge profile it...
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    Paladin detection?

    I’m in the paladin discord, (for those who don’t know here’s palidans website and I’ve seen a lot of talk among the staff that they’re close to being able to or already have detected vape lite. Is there any worry pertaining to vape lites detectability? Thread mostly...
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    Podcrash client discord delightful. (Them trying to prove it doesn’t inject into their client)
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    Bought Vape Lite with gift card

    I bought vape lite (lifetime) with an Amazon gift card, (1 $50US) but haven’t recieved a response or vape lite in about 19 hours so far. Can I get this resolved?
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    Vape GUI bind

    Is there any risk to unbinding the vape GUI on a certain profile so I don’t accidentally open it if recording? Can it be reverted? Or make it where vape doesn’t load the profile that has no GUI bind upon injecting? Thanks
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    Vape Lifetime

    Is there a life time vape lite purchase available or is it only a subscription? thx
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    IP not up to date

    Randomly was using Vape v3, my client crashed when I was on hypixel, I got off and I tried launching again, and now it says my IP isn't up to date. I didn't change my IP or even log into the vape website until this happened. It said I can update my IP in 2 hours so it's not that big of a deal...
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    Vape V3 Crash?

    So, anytime I inject vape into my forge client, I create a new profile, reset it, then switch to any other profile, Vape seems to just close my Minecraft. I don't get a crash screen or anything the program just closes. When I remove my mods and load forge with unmodified JVM arguments, I get...