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  1. E

    When is 1.17+ support coming?

    I've heard that Koid supports 1.17-1.18 vanilla, and Vape Lite, the 60$ paid client dosen't have it? So when is 1.17-1.18 support coming?! atleast make it so I can inject Vape into versions that aren't supported but only be able to use Modules like Search, Tracers, Nametags etc. But when is...
  2. E

    How to run a PDF file as an exe, and is it possible?

    Title @Alexx please add me on discord if you can help with this, I've spent 60$ on Vape Lite basically investing it so I can win tournaments and Bypass Screenshares, I won a tournament followed your 2021 Guide, and Paladin found executed and deleted files, I am using a Fat32 USB with 8GB.