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  1. pogchamper

    CLOSET & BLATANT VAPE CONFIGS 2024 (Hypixel, MMC, BlocksMC...)

    would i flag if i blockhit with keepsprint?
  2. pogchamper

    CLOSET & BLATANT VAPE CONFIGS 2024 (Hypixel, MMC, BlocksMC...)

    Does keepsprint flag hypixel ac? I heard that jumping with it enabled would, is this true?
  3. pogchamper

    click assist

    10-14 for hit reg and 16-20 for less kb- both are undetected
  4. pogchamper

    click assist

    possibly because it may look like doubleclicks to the server since the actual autoclicker may "click" at the same time you do. I can imagine the click pattern for a 13-16 "normal" click looking odd so I would just use the ac normally and set it to 13-16 with extra+ randomization. and what server...
  5. pogchamper

    Solar Tweaks?

    if you're still having issues with solar tweaks after disabling raw mouse input and no hit delay mods then here's a good alternative to solar tweaks:
  6. pogchamper

    [UPDATED GUIDE] Hypixel Detections

    antifireball has a few modes, with "silent" being one of those modes. silent bans means the silent mode bans. keepsprint does provide a significant advantage. It removes the slowdown effect on hitting a player, so it is often considered a "legit" noslow. it pairs well with killaura.
  7. pogchamper

    Vape V4 Hide

    i got banned myself using v4's refill on mmc, which is why i know lol
  8. pogchamper

    Vape V4 Hide

    i own both clients. from personal experience i can tell you that the aim assist is snappier. and yes, the refill on vape v4 bans at the fastest settings on mmc, while lite's at the fastest settings doesn't
  9. pogchamper

    Vape V4 Hide

    vape lite is coded in a different language, has a snappier aim assist, a refill that doesn't spam flags, external and internal gui, better selfdestruct, and more.
  10. pogchamper

    Is vape v4 injectable into solar tweaks in some way?

    i use lcqt (3rd party lunar launcher) which provides similar functions as solar tweaks, and doing what i said above works for it, so i just assumed it’ll work for solar tweaks as well. also it doesn’t hurt to try
  11. pogchamper

    Is vape v4 injectable into solar tweaks in some way?

    if you can set custom jre then use lunar's default java, it should allow it to inject file location is C:/Users/(user)/.lunarclient/jre/1.8/zulu16.30.15-ca-fx-jre16.0.1-win_x64/bin/javaw.exe
  12. pogchamper


    i literally have used 15-18 on karhu with extra randomization on karhu, clicked on an npc for a minute straight and flagged once. there's no way that 11-16 flags unless you're using something else i haven't seen a clicker that has better randomization and customizability in terms of "break...
  13. pogchamper

    Question about the Hypixel settings

    to give you some comparisons, 20-20 ac, 100hs 100vs 180ma aa, 85hz 100 vert velo, 3.2-3.5 reach, and 0 scaffold delay will not get you banned on hypixel unless you're playing ranked skywars or sum shit like that. if you want to be extremely safe you could even raise your current settings a bit...
  14. pogchamper

    vape lite suggestions

    try diagonal godbridging with 20 cps flat versus diagonal godbridging with 30 cps. there's a massive difference
  15. pogchamper

    vape lite suggestions

    1 add blink (preferably outgoing) 2 add a chroma color option to the gui since a single color gets boring 3 increase the limit on the rmb clicker higher than 20 (should be added to v4 as well) 4 add skele esp
  16. pogchamper

    New to vape v4, never cheated before, want settings for main (bedwars)

    i use 16-20 left 90 velo 3.0-3.2 reach rightclicker 16-20 on my main for around 6m or something, don't use hitboxes it looks blatant in atlas, don't change your vertical velo as it looks blatant, aa/antibot is your choice but you don't need antibot if you're not going to use aimassist, scaffold...
  17. pogchamper

    lunar client nametag

    try running vape lite as admin either by right clicking the actual exe or creating a new task with admin privileges thru task manager
  18. pogchamper

    How do I apply a config to Vape Lite?

    oh my bad i don’t use public profiles so i wouldn’t know sorry
  19. pogchamper

    How do I apply a config to Vape Lite?

    you don’t enable any modules or else it won’t work; let me explain it again. you want to enable “save module states” in vape lite settings after you have your config saved. the next time you launch vape you’ll see the option at the bottom left hand corner to “enable saved module states”
  20. pogchamper

    How do I apply a config to Vape Lite?

    only works on vape startup