Recent content by Walzy

  1. W

    Just got vape :D

    Do you need it for mineplex?
  2. W

    I think i can bypass with VapeV4

    Doesn't Echo detect V4 Lite as of recent?
  3. W

    Whats the best legit kill aura settings?

    Anyone got good legit aura settings that can be toggled on main ?
  4. W

    How to get bed aura on v4

    So does this work, or will you get banned?
  5. W

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    I know its sorta a dead server, but can you make a brief mimeplex guide? Or at least some good settings
  6. W

    Is Anti combo on velocity detected?

    Is Anti combo on velocity detected on mineplex or hypixel?
  7. W

    [Invalid] FINAL V4 / LITE CONFIG FOR 1.7 / 1.8 SERVERS (2022)

    I know you weren't able to do mineplex settings due to the retarded false flags. However, would you say I would be fine playing cake wars with the following settings: Reach: 3.2 - 3.3 Autoclick: 11-16 CPS Velocity: 90 100 100 Second of all can you link me to the no click delay mod? Thanks