Recent content by Trensin

  1. Trensin

    What tf is sprint

    It's just toggle sprint.
  2. Trensin

    is 90 vertical velocity safe for sw duels and bw? 150ms im a random

    I’m pretty sure any modification to vertical velocity is either detectable or obvious so I would recommend to keep it at 100 and just use horizontal velo. I use h 90 v 100 c 100.
  3. Trensin

    Mod that hides your Username

    I just found out how to do it. You use the friends module. First you turn on the 'spoof alias' option Then if you want to hide your own name you put your username into the 'Username [Alias]' and then put a space and then the fake name you want and press enter. E.g. Trensin vapev4 My real...
  4. Trensin

    Mod that hides your Username

    Is there a Forge 1.8.9 mod that can hide your username and change it to anything you want? Sort of like Lunar Client's nickhider. I'm trying to find something like this for when I'm recording and I don't want people to see the real username of the account I'm using. I tried using Sk1er's...
  5. Trensin

    Just Bought V4, its not injecting?

    Maybe trying disabling your antivirus if you have one.
  6. Trensin

    Can v4 inject into lunar client?

    Yes, join a single player world or server, open chat and then inject. Idk if Lunar still crashes if you inject whilst on the main menu.
  7. Trensin

    Vape V4 | Supports 1.17.x?

    You can use viaforge
  8. Trensin

    Do not get Ploow Client

    I asked for a refund, and now the owner is going on about how I went against the TOS, and I read the entire thing and it says that "if you look for any ways of detection, your license will be terminated". But I literally accidently opened Process Hacker, so that supposedly gives enough evidence...
  9. Trensin

    Do not get Ploow Client

    I bought Ploow client as it injected into Lunar and it's cheap. A few days after use I realised that I no longer had access to the client, so I messaged the creator about it. Apparently I had opened Process Hacker whilst running the client so it was flagged for suspicious activity. The creator...
  10. Trensin

    guys im poor

    McDonald’s Careers
  11. Trensin


    It does work, you have to double click the 2nd slider instead of the first one.
  12. Trensin


    Turn on text GUI and then click the pin if you want it to show when you close the Vape GUI. You can also turn on watermark if you want.
  13. Trensin


    Use viaforge
  14. Trensin

    Need help please

    Join a server first and then inject.
  15. Trensin

    How do I change my HWID on Mac?

    Vape doesn’t work on Mac. Are you trolling?